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Third Person POV:

     After 6 months New Zealand could walk around, it still hurt a lot though, and started some very needed therapy. New Zealand also moved back in with his family and has developed a hobby of hair-dressing. Australia talks to the family pets a lot, even though she can't understand them, and somehow knows what they need. The CSA is bored in prison, but she regrets all the terrible things she's done in life.

    Russia had his coronation officially and became the king. America also moved out to govern his kingdom in person. Ukraine and Canada have a rumor spreading around that they're dating, and they aren't denying it. Germany and Poland officially started dating, along with Russia and America. America also went to the South and Central American region to talk with the South and Central American countries.

     Overall, the world is doing well and so is its inhabitants. Well, the Chinese kingdom has an illness going on but they're trying to stop anyone from entering and leaving... and it's not going very well. Eh, it's not like that's going to be a problem in the future that quarantines everyone, and people freak out taking all the toilet paper. That would neeeeeveeeerrr happeeeeen... Right?


Thank you all for reading this! Right now on 30/12/2023 this book is finished and is currently #8 in countryhumans. That's definitely gonna change. This was so fun to write, IDK If i'll do a sequel continuing on Covid... I don't think I will, not much really happened. We all kinda just sat at home hoping we weren't sick and trying to find toilet paper. See you all in A Flame Of Revenge!

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