Chap. 7

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Russia POV:

     I hate this... I now understand why everyone else went for the couches further away from America... He snores like a flipping pair of jet engines. I couldn't sleep so I gave up on trying. I stared at the ceiling for a good 4 hours... the ceiling is so... pretty. It's high above the floor, because it's a ballroom, and the background is this forest green. There's rose gold details, like curls and floral patterns. Animals, townspeople celebrating, and people looking devastated were painted in a metallic blue.

     I stared a bit longer and then when I sat up I saw the sun starting to rise... I've been up all night haven't I? Of course I have, of course I spent the whole night looking at the amazing art skills of the British family's artists. Maybe I could ask America or Canada if I could spend some time with them?

     When some of the others woke up we all sat in the middle of the room and talked, that's all we do anymore. We just talk we don't play games or anything... it's always 'oh! yeah, I love doing so and so' or 'I heard that so and so did this'... Boring and pointless. After Canada came down though it got a bit more interesting, he walked over to me and we talked. We talked about more interesting things though, like what if this historical event didn't happen or what if we were normal people?

"Should we wake America up?" I asked Canada, he silently laughed and smiled at me, "Nah, I say we head to breakfast and let him miss out on Papa's croissants" The second the word 'croissants' left Canadas lips America bolted up. "Did I hear croissants?!" He asked loudly, Canada rolled his eyes playfully. Canada sarcastically said, "I have noooo idea what you're talking about" America got up and tackled Canada in a brotherly way. They "fought" and I stood there awkwardly watching in silence.

     After a minute or two passed they stopped playfighting. They stood up and brushed themselves off and laughed, I wish me and my siblings could play like that... I guess with Father being sick and on the verge of collapsing and all, we don't really have time for fun anymore. I shook off that thought and followed everyone as we headed to breakfast.

-the skip of time, OOo0OooO0-

     We're all hanging out with each other now, by everyone I mean me, America, and Canada. We sat on a bench in the courtyard talking, then America brought up an odd topic... well not weird just something I didn't expect him to notice. "Hey, Russia, I saw you staring at the ceiling last night. What was that all about?" He asked, my eyes subconsciously widened. "I.. Uh I didn't know you were awake. Considering you snored like a jet engine" I said, I know I was blunt but how else am I going to get my point across? He laughed, "Oh, I was just pretending... I couldn't sleep so I kinda sorta faked sleeping." He sheepishly said. I raised my eyebrows, "and your first instinct is to watch me?" I asked. He frowned, "What would you look at then?" He asked, "Don't you just immediately look at the thing that stands out?" the way he worded it sounded... odd.

     "I mean, I do... but I was still laying down so I don't know how I stood out" I said... his cheeks flushed into a light pink, "I- that's not what I meant!" He defended. I smiled "Interesting... so that's what you thought I meant?" I said, he face palmed and mumbled something.

Canada POV:


     I sat there... in silence... watching these two hopeless idiots deny their frickin' LOVE for each other! I'm SO CLOSE to just forcing them to kiss right now!



Russia POV:

   Yep... just me, America, Canada, and awkward silence... why do I sense tension right now? Nope, don't think too hard about it, just... just look at the... the ROSES, yes, the roses. Very pretty roses... don't red roses symbolize love? WAIT- NOPE NOT TODAY!


     ah yes... the first chapter that's either funny or just terrible... and all over the place. And Rus, JUST SAY YOU LOVE AME ALREADY! AME IS A DUMBAX HE DOESN'T KNOW FEELINGS, HE AN AUTISTIC ANGEL!

Bi-Bi! :D

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