Chap. 10

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New Zealand POV:

     I'm worried about Ame, he doesn't show up as often anymore. Can-Can at least shows up, even if he is probably depressed, while Ame just hangs out in the courtyard and his room constantly. Stralia stopped by Ame's room multiple times trying to get him to show up for lunch or dinner... He never does. That's when I decided to do something about ot.

     When it's time for dinner i'm going to make Ame come, whether he likes it or not. I'll drag him by the ear if I have to. I told Stralia my plan and she said she'd be there with me in case I need some help dragging Ame out. Which I appreciate, considering my 10-year-old muscles are only big enough to move normally... I can't even pick up Stralia's adult ball python! Well, actually he's pretty heavy, but still... I have noodle arms.

-time skip time!-

     It's time for dinner now, I walked to Ame's room with Stralia. Once we got to the door we knocked, a lot. We heard some muttering and after a few seconds Ame opened the door. "What..." he asked, me and Stralia looked at eachother. I stood up on my tippy-toes, trying to seem taller, and I said confidently "you're coming to dinner whether you want to or not!" I grinned. Ame blinked in surprise... and I noticed, he was slouching a little, he looked tired, and his room didn't have any lights on... Jeez big bro, why you gotta be so extra? Wait nope, not thinking those when Ame just lost his mom, baaaaaad idea. He sighed, "thanks for trying to get me out of my room... but i'm not hungry right now." He tried to close the door, but Stralia grabbed the edge of the door and opened it up even more. "Not an option Ame" Stralia said with concern in her voice.

     Ame looked at the ground and muttered, "fine... i'll come..." I started bouncing up and down. YEEEEES! The three of us walked back to he dining room, well, I skipped technically but... we're not paying attention to that detail, are we? We all sat down and ate some delicious grilled shesses! So good I swear to cherry pie! I noticed Ame only had half of one grilled cheese, no one has only one grilled cheese! I picked up his grilled cheese and shoved it in his mouth. He had a muffled yelp and jumped at my sudden action. I smiled at him and took a large bite out of my 3rd grilled cheese. Then he laughed... he actually laughed! GREAT! Everyone sitting at the table joined in and laughed, except Dad, he was just coming back from some stupid paper work so he didn't know what was going on.

Canada POV:

     I can't believe that Zee practically shoved a grilled cheese into Ame's mouth and made him laugh! That's unbelievable or incredibly lucky. I'm glad that Ame isn't depressed all the way through, that would mean me and the others would have to drag Russia back over to make Ame feel better. I mean, it's obvious Ame likes Russia. He's just in denial, and I'm not sure about Russia. I do know that he was a bit more social around Ame, so that's something. Uuuugh, I still wish they'd just confess already though. Yes, me and Ame are going through a hard time right now, but I at least have a few friends outside of family... Ame really only has us and Russia, and he doesn't even try to make friends.

     When everyone finished dinner Ame left and went somewhere, either the courtyard or his room most likely. I went to Dad and Papa, the second Dad saw the look on my face he muttered, "let me guess... you want me to send you and America to the USSR's kingdom or have Ukraine and Russia come here... and I correct?" I nodded and fidgeted with my fingers. He smiled, for once, and nodded. "I'll see what I can do, just make sure America stays healthy mentally." Dad said, and Papa smiled and said something in French... probably a reference to a baguette or something. [am I the only one who reads baguette as 'bagwettee'?] I smiled and went to my own room.

     When I got into my room I opened the curtains, keeping me from seeing a probably beautiful sunset, and smiled. I know that Mom passed recently, but she would want me to be happy, I know that much. Besides it's easier to smile than frown, and I know how to accept things... but Ame... He doesn't let things go, he holds onto almost everything until he can't anymore and breaks down. I keep trying to tell him to not do that, because it's unhealthy, but he just says he can handle it and that it'll be fine. He just needs someone to trust completely, I know he doesn't trust his family... Us... as much as we think he does. Best friends know everything... everything it doesn't matter if family tries to be trust worthy, a best friend always wins. It's actually pretty funny.

     Once the sun set I decided to finally do some stuff. [new character detail: Canada now likes plants] I picked up a small cup of water and watered my gladiolus flowers. Then I sat down on a for some reason very cushy chair and read a book. It's boring and interesting at the same time, it's a really good historical fiction, and includes time travel, which I personally think is cool. After an hour I looked out the windows again and noticed all the stars that are out. I stood up and changed into some very soft and very comfy pajamas. I walked to my bed and got inside the covers and blankets and looked at the stars for a long time, I actually lost track of time. I guess that's a good thing since I'm trying to sleep, right? I'm not sure, but I do know that i'm falling asleep one way or another... and that i'm probably going to be woken up by an excited Zee who desires Chocolate chip strawberry pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles...


Nice, Zee finally had a chapter...

Should I give Rus and his siblings something to cry over? I'm not sure but it'll be fun for me to write if I do.

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