Just some explanations (feel free to skip)

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     Ok, so... I felt like I needed to explain a few things because I remembered that the whole world doesn't share my single braincell.

1: This is anything but historically accurate. I changed some things so they fit into my AU, Like the Bolshevik Revolution... That happened in the middle of WW1.

2: IDGAF about whatever year this takes place in. It could take place before ww1 it could be 200 years into the future, IDC.

3: The hardest thing for me to decide in the country humans fandom... Age. Since this is a royal AU thingy sometimes [a lot more than you thought in irl history] In Europe, like Bloody Mary and stuff, princesses would/could get married at the age of 13 to, like, a 30-year-old man... I know, pretty gross for modern day stuff. I normally would like find some number to divide how old the country is and that would the the country's age... but I don't really care for this... I just know that Ame and Rus are around 18-ish IDK.

4: Ame's actual mom/parent is Native America, who is also Canada's mom/parent. But they don't remember entirely, they just know that she died and France and Britain adopted *cough* stole *cough* them.

5: I have no freakin' Idea what i'm doing.

6: There might be a hint of other ships (GerPol, FinEsti, Ukranada, etc.) Because, if you've noticed, I've hinted at a little Ukranada... I didn't even know that I did until I went through this whole thing and reread it.

7: When a country turns 16 they can move out of their parents castle/palace whenever they feel like it and start their own kingdoms/queedoms.

8: Ideologies are a thing in this AU (obviously) But they don't affect the friendships or alliances with other countries.

9: Every country has a pet, which is their national animal. They could also have multiple if they wanted (National mammal, bird, reptile? IDK).

10: They don't have their flags on their faces (unless I accidentally wrote that in a chapter... idk) Instead their flags are on top of their hands. Like, y'know the dorsal side (If you know the anatomical term for hands for some random reason) then yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

11: They all speak the language that is spoken the most in their country. BUT, all the other countries can still understand them because well... IDK I just decided that they do. So it's like if China spoke Chinese and Germany speaks German they can still understand each other like to Chinese people talking to each other or two German people talking to each other


That's it, Lemme know if there's anything else I need to clear up

The hands btw

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The hands btw. I might make official designs from Ibis paints templates bc I can't draw/sketch at ALL

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