Chap. 19

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     It's been a few days since CSA decided to accept her very big mistakes and be punished for it. In those days me and Russia went on a small date, we hung out in the garden and tried to name different flowers... it didn't go well, we do not know our flowers at all. Zee also woke up an hour after CSA went away, and he's doing a lot better... well, in a lot of pain and traumatized for life, but better than when he was burning alive.

      Right now, I'm trying to beat Russia in chess, and that's not going well. After a few minutes Russia put me in checkmate... I really suck at chess. "Good try Ame." He said smiling. I smiled back and started to set up another game, "Hey, this is only my third time trying, let's do it one more time!" I said as he laughed. He shook his head smiling, "You said that five times, I don't think you're going to win for a very long time." I acted like a fairytale princess, fainting. "OH! How dare you! My knight in shining armor, betraying me! aaaagggghhhh" I said dramatically. He played along and pretended to betray me. 

     When we finished goofing off, we did our own little hobbies, I played the viola while Russia wrote a cute short story about two doves, who had very different lives, fall in love and live happily... Until he decided to be evil and ended the story with the eggs being smashed by a branch during a strong storm. I played my viola terribly in revenge, I think I killed his ears too.

Russia POV:

     It's hard to write a second story when Ame is playing the viola like a five-year-old opening and closing a creaky door. I got to the point where I crumpled up a paper and threw it at him, he threw it back at me and then a pillow fight happened. Ame is surprisingly unbeatable at pillow fights. "That's not fair," I complained, "I'm unbeatable in chess, but pillow fights are so much more fun!" Ame cackled and pointed at me, "I'm better at something, finally!" I laughed and threw one last pillow at him.

Then we went through the rest of our day and headed to bed. Zee has been doing so well that Ame demands that he can stay in the medical room until Zee can move around... which is something I know he wouldn't ever stop being stubborn about, so I let him. I think Zee wants me to make Ame stay out once and a while, but he's stuck with his older brother.

     The next day Zee could sit up while making this weird high-pitched kind of squeak... Ouch. Ame yelled, "BOOYAH!" When Zee sat up. I guess he's really excited. I got a letter from France and Stralia who were worried about Zee and Ame. I wrote back, telling them that they're both doing amazing. Britain never sent anything, but I know that France and Stralia wrote partly on his behalf. That family is so supportive, I'm glad that I'm actual friends with them all. Zee, I learned, has an obsession on the fruit and animal kiwis.

     So, I brought some kiwi fruit for Zee to snack on. Ame stole some too, but Zee smacked his head each time, so I guess they got even? Those siblings are strange... but they're funny so I don't mind. Canada sent a letter to Ame, and I apparently wasn't allowed to read it. I wonder what Canada wrote? I guess I'll never know, unless Canada or Ame tells me... which probably isn't going to happen.


     And this is pretty much the end. I'll add an epilogue but that's just to confirm some stuff and yadda yadda yadda. I really enjoyed writing this, but now I have another project, A flame of Revenge. I'm so excited for iiiiitttt!

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