Chap. 11

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Britain POV:

     I'm not saying I'm glad that Native America is dead, I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with having to tell America and Can-Can about it... I wonder how America found out though, that's something I'll need to figure out soon. But, I'm also glad that it's pushing America to get more... social. The whole family has tried so many times, so many times trying to get America to make friends. Now, he has one friend, and is at his lowest. He'll make a great king one day, I know I'm pushing him, but It's for his own good. Dealing with losses is part of being in a place of power, you lose so much, and now he lost his mother he'll have to push through.

     I don't like America like I do my other children. He's just so rebellious and won't listen to anyone but himself. He's a self-centered, spoiled, and problematic child of mine. [I wonder why Britain... I wonder why. Also, Britain he's autistic (Ame's family doesn't know bc y'know possible drama) Autistics can't help but bring things back to them, it's just them trying to relate to others from personal experiences] But that doesn't change the fact that me and France will collapse one day, and he'll have to rule over my kingdom. 

     I was sitting in front of my desk, staring at a letter that got sent to me. One from Russia, how interesting... Who knew that the Soviet Union was doing that terribly. I smiled and chuckled to myself, still looking at the letter in my hands.

'The USSR, predecessor of Russian Empire, has collapsed'

'Russia, the oldest son of the USSR, will be crowned the king'

'You and your family have been invited to USSR's funeral'

'and Russia's coronation. On the tenth of December'

    Four days from now, seems quite soon. Soviet Union must have been sure that Russia was, and is, fit for his throne. I grabbed my pen and a paper and started writing.

'Me and my family would love to join your kingdoms loss. '

'We will be there on the tenth of December, and we will offer any support you need. '

'Whether it be emotional support or guiding your soon-to-be King in the many confusing things that come to ruling.'

Russia POV:

     I now understand how America feels, losing a loved one. But, the only difference is that I've known Father for a very long time... while America only remembers small memories from his life with Native America. It's hard to believe that Father is gone now... well, maybe he's not gone gone. He's probably a spirit now, he had quite an influence on many countries and kingdoms. My siblings are going to come back home for his funeral and me becoming king, I know that China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam are coming. They already replied with letters.

     I just don't know if Britain and his family are coming, Britain will tell his family about this for certain. I know if he says that they won't go, America and Canada will pressure Britain to let them go. France might even come, because he's kind like that. Britain and France are a strange couple, Britain who is punctual and sticks to rules. With France, who is fun, kind, and likes teaching others how to bake... It's pretty funny, since they're such opposites. Maybe opposites do attract, when it comes to romance.

     Now that I think about it, America is kind of like my opposite. I talk to people, even if I don't want too, and he just hides in the corners. He's blunt and doesn't always beat around the bush, when I try to make things not as direct. I do like to be direct but not as direct as him. Wait... Hold on... If he's my opposite, and opposites attract... Hah hah haaaa... No way, I doubt he likes me. It's possible but I don't know why or how he would. So, I'm just going to pretend like I don't feel that way.

      I decided to walk around the palace for a while, because I don't have anything else to do except wait. There aren't a lot of windows, just a few in each hallway, and the walls are a dark gray stone. If you think about it, the palace looks similar to the stereotypical 'evil ruler'.  There's also a lot of red decors around as well... Jeez Father should've gone to Ukraine or Armenia for better color schemes. Black, red, and gold don't really scream 'good person' more like 'I'm gonna be evil now HAHAHAH.' Father what was going through your head?


     We're all sitting at the table, because Dad said he had some important news. I'm not very interested but I'm trying to pay attention [like I'm trying to not keep switching between past and present tense] because Dad doesn't make us all sit around the table for news often. I sat next to Can-Can and Zee sat next to me. I subconsciously scooted slightly more towards Can-Can.

     "Alright, you all know I don't do this often so it's important." Dad said, "Apparently important enough for America to drag himself out of his room" I rolled my eyes in response. He sighed and continued on, "This is mainly going to affect America and Can-Can. The USSR has died, and on the tenth of December we're all going to attend USSR's funeral and Russia's coronation" Me and Can-Can blinked and froze. What? How, who, what!? Oh man, Russia's probably not having a good time right now.


     Alright, Now Russia and his siblings are gonna be depressed. Great! Also, I figured out a decent plot now so I'm gonna use that. Let me know if I should change or add anything in the future.

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