Chap. 13

66 2 7

Russia POV:

-December 10th-

     Today's the day. The day Father is going to be released from his physical body, and the day I become King. I was getting dressed in my half-black and half-green suit. I'm worried... no, I'm scared. I don't want to have to rule a whole kingdom I know I'm not ready for. It's not going to be easy, but I have to do it.

     I re-adjusted my white tie and sighed. I walked out of my room and looked out the windows. The sun shows that it's almost noon, which is when the funeral starts. Everyone is most likely already seated out in the flat and grassy space next to the garden. I strode to the massive doors that open onto a large stone platform, where an altar is in the center. The altar is placed there for the funerals and coronations, and it's stood there for a thousand years. 

     When I heard the archbishop announce my name, which was quite muffled from behind the door, the doors swung open, and I walked out. I looked around, looking for familiar people. I saw China, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, America, and all of my siblings. It's not a lot but it's enough. I had a blank expression on my face, and I stood right behind the altar. There's a body on the altar covered in a white cloth, whom I knew as Father. The corners of my mouth slightly fell downwards into a small frown.

     As I stood there the archbishop gave a speech on how Father was a great leader and that he won't be forgotten by the people. I agreed, with the two statements, he was indeed a great leader and father and he won't be forgotten by my people. When the archbishop finished, I stepped a little closer to the body of Father and placed 4 coins on him and two lotuses. Then I stepped back and watched as two maids walked towards the altar with large torches with bright flames dancing around.

     The torches are hung on two different sconces. Everyone sat in silence, some even bowed their heads. After a minute or two, the archbishop gave another speech about the afterlife and the world of spirits. Nothing out of the ordinary. After he finished the maids walked back over and they grabbed the torches again and gently set them on Fathers shrouded body. We all watched as Father is set free from his physical body and will eventually return as a spirit. Everyone knows that he has some sort of unfinished business, or something along those lines.

     I was looking at the ground and so was everyone else. I could feel the sorrow in the silence that we all shared. The silence was disrupted by a high-pitched shriek of terror. My head shot up immediately. People ran screaming, then I noticed why. There's a powerful fire raging in one of the rows of the chairs. 'An explosion' I thought, and my eyes widened. I saw America running and leaping over fallen chairs and pushing away running countries, I stepped forward to stop him. Then I saw why he was running towards the explosion, not away, New Zealand is on the edge of it... And he's on the floor, limp, either dead or unconscious. I hope to god it's the second one.


      One second we're mourning in comfortable silence, then my brother is right next to an explosion! I frantically shoved the other countries out of my way and leaped over multiple tipped over chairs. My breathing is quick and I have tunnel vision. I can't see or hear anything except Zee, who is the one who screamed. Zee's on the ground unmoving, please don't be dead.  

      My feet slid when I reached Zee, I fell flat on my butt. I stood up and grabbed Zees wrists and started to drag him away. As I was doing so, I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I ignored it and kept dragging Zee away. Then a shadowy figure zoomed in my peripheral vison, blurry, and I felt another pain in my left forearm. A knife, that's what caused me sudden pain. This explosion isn't an accident, it's an attempt at assassination! That kept me going, the pain and the realization. 

     Russia was running towards me, the second he got close enough I shoved Zee into his arms and pulled out the knives. [Ame... why would you do that?! You'll bleed less if it's still in there... well if it's poisoned that's different, I think IDK.] I charged towards the figure, determined to find out who they are and why they're trying to kill Zee... if they haven't already. They saw me coming and threw a tomahawk at me. I caught it by the handle, miraculously, and threw it back at the figure. 

    But when the tomahawk hit the figure, they dissipated into sick colored yellow smoke. The tomahawk slammed into the wall, I grabbed the tomahawk again and raged. I yelled in fury and pain. I snapped the tomahawk in two and punched the wall... a little much? Yes... it was too much, but I can't help it. No one tries to kill my family and gets away with it.

     My rage turned into tears and I know that because I felt tears running down my face. I lifted my head to look at the sky and tried to stop crying... That failed miserably the second Stralia, Papa, and Dad hugged me. I hugged them back and clung onto the for comfort and reassurance. I heard Can-Can sniffing and trying not to cry a few meters away. Ukraine was with him trying to cheer him up and made a flower crown for him, he liked it and he cheered up a little. But I can still see the distress and panic in his eyes, Ukraine can see it too but pretends like she doesn't. 

     When we all let go of our sad group hug I saw Russia with a doctor and they were standing by Zee. I ran over and I tried to say something but it was just confused and concerned noises. Russia looked at me and said, "He's not dead... but definitely going to have trauma." I sighed in relief, he's not dead. I looked down at the unconscious Zee and noticed the red and bloody burns on both his legs and his left forearm. I felt my eyes start to water, so I wiped the tears away before they could fall. Zee's never going to be the same... ever.

     After I told the rest of my family I walked stiffly to the room me and Dad share. I stood in front of the window and watched the sky and clouds, trying to escape reality. I heard the door creak open, Dad returned too. He stood next to me, I didn't mind for once, we need to support each other now, otherwise the family is going to fall apart.


     Wonderful, I've now given Ame, Rus, and Can-Can depression. And now Zee is gonna be traumatized for life, and The whole British-French family is gonna be even more depressed! YAY! You can thank a friend of mine for this wonderful idea to mentally and physically scar Zee for life.

I'm also going to go through this whole book and correct my spelling/grammar errors.

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