✔️ Prologue.

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"Wow." The receptionist breathed.

"Do you know how rare it is
for an alpha like you to come
in and donate?"

"This will go for top dollar."

The beta, whose name tag
read 'Tobe,' looked like he was salivating at the dollar signs
he was already imagining.

Jungkook sighed then took a deep breath and immediately released it, trying his best to center himself.

He had to do this.

There was no other choice
at least not for him.

"Once we send a message out that an alpha with your IQ and educational background has donated, there will be a frenzy
to get a hold of this sperm."

Jungkook flinched at the word.

The man's eyes traced his cheekbones and Jungkook was pretty sure that if he could,
the nurse would do the same
to his body with his tongue.

Thankfully, the tall reception desk blocked most of
Jungkook's body from view.

"Thank you." Jungkook
smiled politely.

He wasn't sure what the appropriate response was supposed to be and could honestly say he'd never felt
more like a piece of meat
than he currently did.

"Oh, honey no, thank you."

"Alphas so rarely want to part with their sperm and the
ones that do..."

Tobe sniffed like he'd smelled something nasty before
going on.

"Let's just say they're not
always top shelf."

Jungkook wasn't sure what
to say to that either, so he
just hmmmed and apparently, that was the receptionist's
cue to carry on speaking.

"We do get some alphas that already have families."

"You know, the middle-class alphas that do it to get extra money in their pockets to
take care of their families
and homes."

"Those ones get good prices
too but honey, you... with
those doe eyes and those
cheekbones and that

"Let me tell you... you're
the cream of the crop."

Again, being praised for his sperm was unknown territory
for him, so Jungkook simply
went with a thank you again.

He glanced around the waiting room again, trying to tamp
down his embarrassment over the sperm talk and took in the expensive decor of one of
the most prestigious fertility clinics in the country.

Fertility assistance was
expensive and only a select
few could afford it.

As an alpha raised by a single omega papa, everything in
him loathed to do this but his papa had sacrificed too much
to get him where he was
today, starting with taking a
job at the snooty private school he'd sent him to so that he
could get the best education.

His papa loved him and had
done what was necessary to
get Jungkook where he was today, so it was now his turn
to take care of his papa.

That meant making him proud and becoming successful so he could give his papa the life he deserved, the one that was stolen from him when his
alpha father had proven
himself to be a bastard...

Well, he guessed he was the bastard since the man had not only ruined his papa's reputation and future but also refused to acknowledge Jungkook as his.

His papa had been the asshole alpha's secretary and he'd
done everything to get his
papa in bed and succeeded.

Of course, when the stick
had come back positive, the asshole fired him and then
got his omega dad blacklisted from any of the companies in
the area that he could have
gone to work for after.

The alpha had made his omega dad seem like some sort of nympho that had tempted him away from his picture-perfect family but it couldn't have
been farther from the truth.

His omega papa had simply
got involved with the wrong alpha.

Jungkook would have chosen another path if there had been one but he needed start-up capital if he was to have any hope of getting his business
up and running.

He didn't have the funds, so
why not just sell a small piece
of himself to get it done?

He just tried to ignore the
funny feeling it gave him, especially when he was
being devoured by the
receptionist's eyes.

"So, I'll be hearing from
you once the payment is authorized?" Jungkook asked, backing up from the
receptionist desk.

The beta snickered.

"You better believe it, honey."

"I'm putting it in the database
as we speak."

"They'll run all the usual tests later today and someone should be contacting you shortly."

Jungkook tried his hand at a smile but it came up short.

"Thank you." He finally

Jungkook turned around and walked out of the clinic.

He couldn't have gotten
outside fast enough.

The moment he stepped into
the fresh air, he let out a

If he was doing it for all the
right reasons, then why did
he feel so sick?

It's nerves, Just relax.

It was easier said than done
but Jungkook had already
set things in motion.

He'd done as much as he
could to raise the funds for
his start-up and this would
push him over the line.

No turning back now.

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