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Jimin spent the night before cleaning his house from top to bottom after Jungkook
canceled their plans.

He'd had to find a place to pour out all the anger... the hurt
that he was going through.

Jimin felt so silly, especially because he'd already been at
the store to pick up wine before heading to Jungkook's place.

When the alpha had tried
calling him, he was in no
mood to hear any of his
excuses and shut off his
phone before going to bed.

He refused to even listen to the voicemail he found when he turned it back on this morning.

Probably more typical alpha

Jungkook canceling was one
thing but Jimin could swear
he heard a man's voice and
then Jungkook said some
thing about his brother.

He was pretty sure Jungkook
had never mentioned anything about a brother or that he
even had one.

Still, there was a small part of him that refused to believe
that Jungkook would cancel
with him just so he could
hook up with someone else.

Especially not a few hours beforehand... right?

When he pulled into Jungkook's driveway, though, he saw it
with his own eyes.

There was another car parked behind Jungkook's.

He made sure to park on the opposite side of the driveway
but he sat there and stared at the license plate and then focused on the little sticker
that looked like a barcode
on the back window.

The car was a rental.

Well, at least he wouldn't have
to worry about running into
Jungkook's fling around town
since he must not be local.

"He did say his brother was around." He muttered.

"Don't go thinking the worst."

He took a deep breath and shut the car off then got out and headed up to Jungkook's door.

Before he could even ring the bell, the door swung open and
a man stood there.

He carried a suitcase in one
hand and had a duffle bag thrown over the other shoulder and Jungkook stood behind
him with bedhead hair and a
wrinkled shirt that looked as if
it had been hastily buttoned.

Definitely not the put-together alpha he usually presented.

Guess he wasn't expecting to
get caught.

"Hey." The man grinned after
the momentary surprise left
his face.

"You must be Jimin."

He adjusted the duffel and
held out his hand, expecting
Jimin to shake it.

Jimin looked down at the
offered hand.

Really, the alpha-hole talked about him to his booty call?

What the fuck?

He looked back up when the
man cleared his throat, then
over to Jungkook who'd now
stepped into the doorway as

The man dropped his arm and turned back to Jungkook, who frowned and then shrugged.

"I'll call you later." The man
said to Jungkook.


"Let me know when you're
all settled, okay?"

The smile Jungkook gave the man suggested familiarity and affection and Jimin's heart clenched.

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