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"I'd love to see you."

"It's been way too long but
are you sure now's the time?"

Jungkook sat down on the
edge of his bed.


"It's actually the perfect time."

His half-brother was quiet for
a moment, then went on.

"It will take my mind off of my mother's passing and I think that's how this whole brother thing is supposed to work."

He could hear the smile in
Jack's voice.

"Besides, now that you're in remission, we have some celebrating to do."

Jungkook smiled.

"Okay, then."

"The sooner the better."

"You let me know when you
can get some time off and
when you're coming."

"I'd love to have you here."

"Sounds good, Kook."

"I'll call you soon." Jack said.

"Take care."

He disconnected the call and
sat on his bed for a while then
he lay back and as it had the
last couple of weeks, the
image of Jimin and him in
bed came rushing back.

He hadn't been able to get
Jimin out of his mind since
that day, and he was doing everything in his power to try and tamp down the memory.

It wasn't that he didn't still
long to have that connection
with jimin but he was trying
to give Jimin some space
even though it was killing him.

He got up and left his room.

Once he made it down the
stairs, he heard the vacuum running in the living room
and took a step towards the sound, spotting Jimin.

From where he was, he
could see that Jimin had his earbuds in.

It'd been weeks of spying on
the omega as he worked and he'd gotten pretty good at making himself go unnoticed, even if he said so himself
but as he stood there, he  couldn't take the distance
any longer.

He wanted to ask Jimin over
for supper so he could prepare
him a nice home-cooked meal.

That didn't count as rushing things did it?

And he would just have to
accept it if Jimin turned him down.

He cleared his throat as he entered the living room.

Because Jimin had his music playing, he didn't make any movement to show that
he'd even heard Jungkook.

"Jimin?" He called out.

Jimin jumped and quickly
turned around.

He pulled his earbuds from his ears and shut off the vacuum.

"I didn't see you
there." Jimin said.

"You startled me."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook put
both hands in his pockets.

"That wasn't my intention."

"It's fine." Jimin mumbled.

"Did you need something?"

He asked the question but
turned his back to Jungkook
and started to work again.

He wasn't sure if he should
take that as a hint of 'don't bother me.'

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