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Was the alpha hitting on him?

Jimin was pretty sure that
was what it was.

Unless he was imagining it.

Are you that lonely you're projecting on your boss?

He shook his head at himself.

He ignored the voice that whispered those words while
he'd been talking to Jungkook.

His past hadn't been on his
mind but of course, when the alpha mentioned about being
a single parent, Jimin was
forced back to reality.

The possibility of someone like jungkook wanting him with
all his kids? Get real, Park.

Jimin went back to work and
told his mind to focus back on the task at hand and forget about the imaginary
connection he thought he
felt with Jungkook.

He shook it off and carried
on cleaning.

The sooner he got done, the better.

He must have gotten lost in thought because he didn't
hear Jungkook until the
alpha cleared his throat.

Jimin turned around from
putting the knickknacks back
on the now-shining fireplace mantle in the main living room.

"Do you need some
thing?" he asked.

"Just checking to make sure you're alright." He replied.

Jimin frowned.


"I think so..."

"I'm afraid I might have
gotten too inquisitive."

"Sometimes it happens but I don't want anything to make things awkward between us."

"That's not my intention by
any means." Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck.

Jimin hadn't expected
that, not even a little.

It had that warm feeling returning.

"It's alright."

"I just never..."

"Talking about Taemin isn't something I do often,
especially with a stranger."

The stories he told his kids
didn't count.

Those were cute anecdotes so they knew who Taemin was.

Maybe when they were
older, he would go into
detail.... Till then, Taemin
lived in his memories.

Jungkook nodded.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." He smiled before turning to leave.

"Thank you." His voice was
low but loud enough so
Jungkook heard him.

Truth was that Jimjn did appreciate it.

There were moments when he longed for adult conversation, where he could bare his heart
to someone and feel like they cared enough to listen.

When he wanted someone to
just hold him and tell him everything would be fine.

Maybe that could be Jungkook but Jimin didn't want to make
it out to be more than it was.

The man was probably just
being polite since he was in
his house so much.

He was just getting done
with the kitchen when he felt
Jungkook's presence before
the man even spoke.

Jimin looked up to see the
alpha had on tight-fitting
jogging pants that hugged
his well-defined calves and thighs.

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