✔️20. (M) 🔞

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Before Jungkook could leave
the office, he spoke up.

"Jungkook, don't go."

He had missed the alpha
ever since walking out of
Jungkook's house but he
didn't know how to get over
the fact that Jungkook had
come to him in the first place with an ulterior motive.

That didn't mean that he
loved him any less though
and that was what he kept coming back to.

Jungkook stared at him as
he turned around and Jimin shook his head.

"I know that you're sorry."

"I believe that you really are."

"And I know that I love you
with every breath that I take."

"I do."

"So, seeing you walk away is
not going to work for me."

Jungkook moved in closer to

"I love you so much." Jungkook whispered.

"And I love you too."

"But if this is going to
work, we have to both be completely honest."

"our four kids are going to
need us to be a strong unit."

Jungkook reached out and touched his fingertips to
Jimin's stomach.

Jimin looked down at
Jungkook's hand and smiled.

"We are going to make this
work but sometimes love
isn't enough."

"I need to know I can trust
you and that you'll never
pull a stunt like that again."

Jungkook looked up.

He grinned hopefully and
then moved closer and
leaned in to kiss him.

Jimin fell backward, taken
off guard.

Jungkook caught him,
wrapped an arm around the omega to steady him then
took the opportunity to shut
the door behind them and
lock it.

"I swear omega." Jungkook

They moved back to his desk
and Jungkook lifted him up to
sit on the edge before pulling back from the kiss.

For a moment they just
looked into each other's
eyes but that quickly changed once Jimin saw lust come
back into Jungkook's eyes.

They both eagerly tore off
their clothes, letting the garments fall to the floor.

When Jungkook only had his underwear on, he moved
back in for another kiss.

Jimin grabbed onto his
boxers and yanked them
down his legs, after which
Jungkook kicked out of them.

"Nat might hear us." Jimin breathlessly said.

"Then she's going to be in
for a treat." Jungkook said.

He laughed as he moved in
and latched his lips back on

Jimin arched his back,
breaking from the kiss as
Jungkook took his time to wander down his omega's
body, nipping and licking
until he made it to his hip.

Jimin's cock was erect and waiting for him and his Alpha eagerly swallowed it down
his throat in one move.

Jimin breathlessly moaned
and threaded his fingers
through Jungkook's hair,
guiding him up and down
his throbbing dick.

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