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Jimin couldn't wipe the smile from his face after Jungkook
and he talked about taking
things slow.

When they had been intimate with one another in
Jungkook's bedroom, Jimin
was surprised to discover how much he wanted the alpha but was quick to pull back after getting off the phone with Carl.

He stood outside Jungkook's room with a clear mind and it
hit him how the last guy he
had been intimate with had
been his husband.

The call from work helped
him to take a step back and evaluate the situation and he decided things were moving
way too fast and he wasn't comfortable with that.

He was relieved that Jungkook had accepted that and seemed
to want to continue moving forward at Jimin's pace.

However, two weeks had now passed and Jungkook hadn't
once made another move to
kiss him, let alone do
anything else.

Hell, he didn't even touch him unless it was by accident.

"That's a good thing, Jimin."

"You wanted slow." He told his reflection in the bathroom
mirror one morning before he headed off to Jungkook's for another day of cleaning.

"Are you talking to yourself, Papa?" He turned to find
Jaewon standing at the door
and Jimin laughed.

"What are you doing here

"And no, Papa is not talking to himself." He walked over and planted a kiss on Jaewon's

"What do you guys want to
do today with Ms. Lisa?"

"Ummmmm... the park?"

Jawon's voice was hopeful.

Jimin smiled.

"Isn't that every day?"

"Ms. Lisa is probably tired of
the park."

"Nooo." Jaewon smiled up at him.

"She loves the park."

"She said so." Jimin smiled.

She most likely didn't object because she knew it'd be something the triplets could agree on.

He didn't blame her.

Anything they could do to have everyone agreeing to it was bound to make life easier.

He walked out to the kitchen
and saw Mirae about to pour
milk into her cereal bowl.

She had her tongue between
her teeth and was
concentrating really hard.

Jimin quickly pulled it from
her hands before she could
try and lift it off the table,
mainly because the cereal
bowl was precariously close
to the edge.

"I'll take care of that." He slid
the bowl further onto the
table and poured the milk in
then looked down at her.

"Thank you, Papa." She smiled up at him and like always
being around his kids was
his happy place even when
they exhausted him.

"Go sit, hun." He nodded in
the direction of the small
dining table in the kitchen
and smiled as mirae hopped
over to join her brothers.

Jimin nodded and then carried the bowl to the table.

He poured two more for the
boys but then heard the

"Coming." Jimin called out.

He hurried to the door and opened it up to Lisa on the porch.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Good morning to you too."

She stepped into the house.

"Where are my three favorite little people?"

"They just started to eat their breakfast."

Lisa followed him into the
kitchen and Jimin went around kissing the three children as
they said their goodbyes.

He glanced over at Lisa once
he'd finished and she asked.

"Same time?" He nodded.

"Yep. I'll see you then."

He thanked her and went out
to his car.

As usual, his mind wandered back to Jungkook.

It was rough going to work and seeing him, questioning why
Jungkook was being so luke warm, almost cold toward him.

Be honest, Jimin.

He's not being cold.

He's just going slow.

Jimin had asked for slow
though, not backward.

He wanted to be patient but a part of him wondered if maybe
Jungkook had rethought everything and decided that
he didn't want to move
forward anymore.

It was a possibility, even
though he hoped it wasn't so.

He arrived at Jungkook's house and rang the doorbell, just like he did every time he came
here for work.

This time, no one came to the door or called out to him.

Jimin frowned and rang
the bell again.

After the third time, Jimin
tried the door and found that
it was unlocked.

He opened it up and entered
the house.

"Jungkook?" he called out.

There was no answer but a
few seconds later, Jungkook rounded the corner, coming
out from the den.

He had his cellphone to his

"Hold on, Jack." he said.

Jungkook looked in Jimin's direction and whispered.

"You can go ahead and get started."

Jungkook hurried up the stairs after that, not even passing another glance his way.

"I'm back."

Jimin heard him say before
his voice faded away and a
door closed in the distance.

Jimin couldn't keep his eyes
from wandering up the stairs.

That was strange but then his heart felt heavy as the
realization hit him.

Was this Jack another omega, one without all of Jimin's baggage?

He closed his eyes for a

Gods, it felt like someone
was using his chest as a trampoline.

Fuck, he wasn't sure what
hurt more... that Jungkook
was like every other person
he'd tried dating or that he
had actually started to fall
for the alpha.

Of course the alpha had moved on because he didn't want to
go as slow as Jimin did.

He tried to shrug it off but he was hurt that Jungkook could
so easily brush him off like
that, as if the time they were
in his bed meant nothing.

Get over him.

You have work to do.

He went to the closet and grabbed some supplies then
did his best to forget about Jungkook.

It was not going to do anyone any good if Jimin let the
cleaning go, so he would get
it done, leave and then he
could sulk all he wanted
back in his office.

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