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He picked up his phone for
what seemed like the
thousandth time.

He dialed Jimin's number and
yet again, it went straight to voicemail.

After he listened to the
message, which he could
recite by heart at this
point, it beeped.

"Baby, I know you're angry
with me and you have every right to be but can we
please just talk."

"It's not the same without
you here."

"I am so sorry and I will
spend the rest of my life
showing you how much I
love you, Jimin."

"I need you please." He disconnected the call when
he finished and sighed.

He had really fucked up.

It'd been a week since he
had heard from Jimin, since
the father of his kids had
walked out of the house
leaving a gaping hole in his
life he'd never thought

Outside of a short email from
the cleaning agency stating
he was being removed from client list, he hadn't heard anything.

He just wanted to see Jimin, needed to talk to him and
beg for forgiveness.

Of course he could have kept
it to himself but the thought
of a life with Jimin and
having what he'd done
hanging over them was unacceptable to him.

All the flowers and chocolates he'd sent had been returned.

He'd even shown up at the
office but Carl told him Jimin wasn't in even though his
car was parked outside.

Lisa refused to let him past
the door at the house and
looked at him like she'd
watched a video of him
kicking a puppy.

There was a knock on his
door and he jumped up
from the couch.

He hurried to answer it, a
slight glimmer of hope inside
of him that Jimin would be
on the other side.

Instead, it was his papa.

His shoulders dropped as
he opened up the door.

"Hey." he mumbled.

His dad entered the house
and he shut the door behind

He turned around and his
dad gave him a solemn look.

"How are you doing?" Jin

Jungkook shook his head.

"It's been a week and I
haven't slept, barely eaten."

"I can't stop thinking about
him and I know that I've
royally fucked up."

"But what do I do?"

"And please Papa, do not
say you told me so."

His papa shook his head.

"Well, I could say something
like that but that wouldn't
really be helpful, now
would it?"

Jin stared at him through narrowed eyes and pursed
his lips.

"No, I think you've learned
your lesson and seen how
badly your actions can affect
not only yourself but also
those around you.

"I know, Papa."

"You don't think I've realized that?" Jungkook scrubbed a
hand over his face.

"Now just wait a minute

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