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Jungkook glanced at his
watch and groaned.

"If you keep checking your watch, the doctor will never come." Jin, His omega papa
said arching an eyebrow in
Jungkook's direction.

"Thirty minutes." Jungkook

"Why do they insist on keeping
a patient waiting for so long?"

Seokjin smiled.

"Son, just have patience."

"I know you're nervous."

Jungkook shot him a look.

"I'm not nervous." He refuted.

"I just want to get this over

"The doctor said there's a good chance that I may have to
have another round of chemo."

"I just want to know if I do."

Seokjin nickered.

"Yeah, you're the picture of
calm and tranquility."

"I can see that." His papa

"It must be someone else
that's been pacing for the last thirty minutes, wearing a
hole in the carpet."

Jungkook tossed up his arms
but he finally sat back in the chair beside the one person
that had stuck by him through everything while he was
battling his cancer.

His papa was the one
consistent person in his
life, always had been.

Jungkook didn't even know where his alpha father was
and he didn't care.

He had the only parent he needed.

He started to tap his foot and
Jin's eyes followed his son's movement.

"I suppose that's normal." His papa said.

Jungkook smirked.

"For me it is." He then heaved
a sigh.

"But why." he glanced down
at his watch.

"thirty-five minutes?" He
jumped to his feet and started
to pace again.

His father hook his head
and Jungkook ignored him.

After a year of battling
testicular cancer with both surgery and several treatments behind him, Jungkook was
ready to finally have some
good news.

He deserved that.

Truth was, all he wanted was
to be able to just relax.

The past year felt like there
was a guillotine blade hanging over his head and he was
just waiting for it to drop.

Granted, it had only been
stage one but he'd decided to
go with the radical treatment
of removing the affected area.

Jungkook grimaced thinking about it but shook off the thought.

He heard a knock and the
room stood still.

He stood frozen while he
glanced at the door as the
doctor entered.

"Good evening, Mr. Jeon." He said.

"Dr. May." Jungkook greeted.

He slowly sank down into his seat as the doctor came into
the room with a tablet in his hand and closed the door
behind him.

"Just give it to me straight."

"No need to bullshit around."

His papa reached out and grabbed his arm, gently squeezing it to calm
Jungkook down.

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