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Finally, he'd gotten Jimin in
his house.

Okay, that sounded very
serial killer-y.

Dial it back, Jungkook.

It had taken some time to get here and several instances of untoward behavior that he
wasn't proud of but finally,
things were looking up.

He hadn't expected Jimin to
get started the same day
but the man called one of his staff members to drop off a
van with the cleaning supplies and equipment.

In the meantime, he started
with what Jungkook had.

Now that Jungkook had Jimjn there, he had to decide what
the next step would be.

He was glad to finally have an opening with the omega but
Jungkook had to admit he had
no idea how to go from this
to meeting his children.

He hadn't really come up with
a plan for that since he'd been too busy trying to find reasons
to get rid of the other cleaners.

Yeah, it was definitely a work
in progress and Jungkook
knew he couldn't rush things.

He couldn't push the man too much or Jimin would get suspicious and end up
hightailing it out of there.

As the first week flew by, He admired Jimin's work.

Even though he was apprehensive and said that his employees were the ones that really knew what they were doing, Jimin quickly proved
that he was the one who was
a true master and Jungkook spent more time admiring....
no, no, his work from afar.

Jimin barely even noticed he
was there and he wasn't sure
if it was because he was trying
to be innocuous or the man
truly didn't notice him.

Then the second week went
by and jungkook made sure
to make an appearance
wherever Jungkook happened
to be at certain times, just
so he knew Jungkook was
still around.

He hadn't wanted to spook
the omega and now that he
was certain Jimin wasn't
going anywhere, Jungkook
tried to initiate more contact.

He just wasn't close enough.

It was the last day of the
second week and he knew he needed to step up his game
and get Jimin to notice him.

As Jimin was working in the
den, Jungkook peeked his
head in the door.

"Want something to drink?"

"I have some cold juice."

"Or cold beer if you prefer."

Jimin looked up, then
laughed and shook his head.

"As a boss, I always frown
upon my employees drinking
on the job, so I'd best say no."

He snickered and went back
to work.

That was the most Jimin had
said to Jungkook over the
last two weeks and it made
Jungkook smile.

"Well, then I guess we can
save the beer for another
time but I do have lemonade
as well." He pointed out.

That had Jimin lifting his
head again.

He looked at Jungkook and
then shrugged.

"I suppose I could stop and
take a fifteen-minute break."

Jungkook smiled.

"Take twenty."

"Your boss won't mind."

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