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Jungkook walked into the
living room and went straight
to Jimin.

"Hello again." He said leaning
in to give Jimin a kiss.

Jimin laughed after they separated.

"We just saw each other
fifteen minutes ago."

Jungkook smirked and

"I enjoy kissing you."

"What can I say?"

He enjoyed hearing that,
almost as much as he
enjoyed being kissed.

Over the past six weeks,
things had been going great
with them.

The kids loved Jungkook just
as much as Jimin did even though neither Jungkook
nor he had actually said
those three words.

He felt them though and
strongly believed that the
Alpha did too.

"I was thinking that we could have my dad watch the kids
for us tonight and either go
out or have a romantic
evening in."

"Your choice."

He brushed another kiss
across Jimin's lips.

The kids loved Jin and had
spent the evening with him
on a couple of occasions.

In theory, it sounded like a
great idea but Jimin had just
one thing he needed to do
after he got off of work and
then Jungkook could have
him to himself.

"I like the idea but I have
an appointment right
after I leave here."

"Maybe we could meet here
once I'm done?"

"It shouldn't be too long and then you'll have me for
the rest of the night."

Jungkook tilted his head.

"Appointment? What kind
of appointment?"

Jimin shrugged.

"Just something I need to
take care that can't be put
off, Nothing big."

"Just a checkup"

He hated not being completely honest with Jungkook but
until he was done with the appointment, he didn't want
to share the details about it.


"Doesn't sound like much
fun, though." Jungkook said.

"Maybe I can talk you into staying with me instead."

He wiggled his eyebrows
and plastered an innocent
smile on his face.

Usually Jungkook could
have convinced him but
He couldn't miss this appointment.

"I would love to spend the
day with you but it's

Jungkook studied him.

"Everything okay?"

"Of course."

"I just don't want to cancel because I don't know when
the next appointment would

"Alright then."

"Well, how about I go with
you?" Jungkook suggested.

His alpha was not going to
make this easy.

He let out a soft sigh.

"No, you stay here."

"I seriously won't be long."

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