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"So, who referred you to
us?" Jimin asked.

He sat down behind a
computer and waited for the
man who had introduced
himself as Jungkook to take
the seat across from him.

"Um... an old colleague that I used to work with."

"I believe you used to clean
her home but she's moved
away now, Jen White."

Jimin thought about that.

The name didn't sound familiar at all but he shrugged.

"We have quite a number of clients."

"I'm sorry to say that I
couldn't possibly recall all
their names."

Jungkook nodded. "Of course."

Jimin turned to his computer
and started typing, probably pulling up the information form.

"So you want to hire us?"

Jungkook nodded, causing
Jimin to smile.


"Can I have your name, phone number and address please?"

Jungkook gave the details he asked for and Jimin quickly
typed it in.

When he was done, Jimin continued.

"Tell me a little about what you're in need of."

"Do you live in a home or apartment, how many hours
of work do you want us to
handle and how big is the
space we'd be working on?"

"Would you like laundry
service too?"

"How many days a week?"

Jimin looked up at Jungkook after rattling off the main questions.

"I live in a rather large
house." Jungkook started
and watched as Jimin went
on to type away.

"It's got two floors and a basement."

"I don't plan on needing too much work with the basement."

"I'm thinking perhaps eight
hours a day."

"We can do every other day
or Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays."

"I'd want to start right away."

"I'm looking for simply the
best and money is no object."

Jimin looked up at him and arched an eyebrow over his computer screen.

It seemed this alpha knew exactly what he needed.

He went back to typing on his computer as Jungkook

"I live by myself, so no
worries there but with other tasks, I do believe that I can keep you busy."

Jimin continued to type on
his computer until he reached the last part.

He then looked up.

"I'm sure I can get someone
out there the day after
tomorrow to view your home."

"Then we can move to
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and if you find that you are needing them more regularly or less, we can
adjust accordingly."

"You can get someone out there?" The man asked.

Jimin nodded. "Yes."

"I am sure that I have some
one that would be ideal for
your situation."

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