✔️14. (M) 🔞

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The night was going well, at
least in his opinion.

It was easy to talk to Jimin, so easy and thankfully, he didn't
get weird when the 'Big C'
was mentioned.

Opening up about the cancer
was something he hadn't done around anyone that wasn't
family and Jimin had
responded well and then
shared with him his own
pain, which made him feel
like dirt for the one thing he couldn't tell him yet.

He wasn't sure he ever wanted
Jimin to know how he had stumbled into his life.

Stumbled Jungkook?

Don't you mean forcefully
barged in?

As the evening progressed
and the wine bottle was now almost empty, he realized that
he wasn't ready to say
goodnight to Jimin.

He leaned forward and placed
his glass down on the coffee table and turned to face him.

"Tonight, this—" he motioned between them. "—was really
nice and I hope we can do it again."

Jimin nodded. "Me too."

"What time do you need to
leave tonight to get home to
the kids?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin tucked his leg under
him and their eyes met.

There was a softness there
that Jungkook had caught glimpses of before.

He wanted to reach out and caress his cheek but he also didn't want to push.

Jimin bit his lips and studied
him before speaking.

"Actually, the babysitter is planning on spending the
night, so I'm in no rush to go home."

He arched an eyebrow.

Now he wasn't expecting that
but it was certainly good
news for him.

His eyes dipped down to
Jimin's lips as the omega's tongue slipped out and ran
along his lower one.

He took it as his cue, so he leaned in and pressed his lips
to Jimin's.

The omega opened for him
and he slipped his tongue in
and could not stop himself
from releasing a moan when
Jimin's taste hit his senses.

"I don't want you to go home tonight." Jungkook whispered through the kiss.

Jimin nodded and then pulled
Jungkook back into the kiss.

Their tongues twisted around
one another's as Jungkook's body started to heat up.

He grabbed onto Jimin's shirt
and had to break the kiss to
pull it up and over his head
then tossed to the floor.

He took Jimin's hands and
pulled him to his feet.

Once standing, Jimin reached over and took Jungkook's shirt off and he dropped it next to
his own.

He looked up at the alpha and smiled as Jungkook slipped his
hand in Jimin's and led him towards the stairs.

He wanted to kiss every inch
of Jimin's beautiful body and
his cock throbbed just thinking about it.

They made it to his bedroom where they stripped the rest of each other's clothes off, then stood there for a moment admiring the other's nudity before falling onto the bed,
their lips again locked together.

Tonight confirmed one thing.

He was falling for Jimin.

He didn't even know when it
had happened but suddenly,
he couldn't stand the thought
of not being with him.

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