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Six Years Later....

Jimin walked into the
restaurant and breathed in deeply before he looked around.

He wasn't even sure who
he was looking for.

The dating profile he had to
go on showed the man about fifty feet from the camera
but he believed his gut would
tell him once he saw him.

"May I help you?" The woman behind the podium asked.

Jimin turned to her and she arched an eyebrow, her eyes looking him up and down and leaving Jimin feeling like he
had been found wanting.

He plastered a smile on his face.

"I'm here to meet someone
but I'm not sure exactly
what he looks like."

Jimin looked past the podium, desperately seeking out a face that he would instantly
recognize but found nothing.

He looked back at the woman.

"The last name is Park and
his last name is Stone."

"Do you have either of those names?"

The hostess shook her head.

"Are you sure you're at the
right restaurant?" she asked.

She gave him another once
over. Yup, it was apparent his appearance didn't meet her approval.

You run a successful cleaning company and don't need her approval, Jimin.

Man, he wished he could tell
her to shove it but he wasn't
the confrontational type, especially when he had no reason to prove himself to her
or anyone else for that matter.

"Yeah... I'm positive." He said.

Then, before he could say anything else, he heard the
voice behind him.


He turned around to face the man that had just entered the restaurant.

Jimin smiled with relief.

He was right, he did recognize the man before him.

"Alec, it's a pleasure to meet you." Jimin offered his hand to Alec for a handshake.

Alec smiled and took it but
raised it to his lips for a kiss.

Jimin had to admit he was even more handsome than he
could have hoped for.

Okay, maybe this night
wouldn't suck.

He wasn't the typical dating app sort of omega—not that there was anything wrong with that
or them but after over five
years of being single, he was getting to the point where he needed to do something.

He ignored the voice in his
head that said dating online seemed a bit desperate.

He'd had a couple of nice
chats with Alec.

The beta had seemed
interesting and Jimin had
decided to take the leap.

The hostess showed them to their table where they each sat down across from one another.

Jimin picked up his menu and started to look through it while Alec seemed uninterested.

"Ready to order?" the beta asked.

Before Jimin could even
respond, he waved a waiter
over to their table.

Jimin frowned and shut the
menu then set it back down
and pushed it to the side.

  UNEXPECTED || JIKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now