✔️10. (M) 🔞

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jimin looked up at him
as they moved hand in hand back into the house and up the stairs and Jungkook's heart
beat faster in his chest.

He'd really planned on keeping his distance, especially after everything that had been
said on the subject.

Jimin was right to question
him but honestly, Jungkook couldn't stay away from the
man and he didn't want to.

"Positive." Jungkook replied, once they were in his bedroom.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest choice or the one with the
least number of complications
but he'd done the careful
route for so long already.

Now was the time to follow
his heart.

It all might blow up in his face, but fuck it, he wanted Jimin.

Jimin moaned as Jungkook kissed and nibbled up his neck, and although the alpha hated
the thought of breaking the
kiss to remove his omega's
shirt, he was desperate to
feel his skin against Jimin's.

Their lips were separated for
only a moment while their
shirts were removed and
tossed aside.

Shoes, pants and underwear went next and when they were both finally naked, Jungkook knew that this moment was going to change everything.

Jungkook's teeth latched onto
Jimin's neck and the omega
let out a groan causing
Jungkook to chuckle.

He lifted Jimin up into his arms and gently sat him down
on the edge of the bed.

Right now, he was tired of following the mantras of, it's
not professional and we
shouldn't have sex.

He'd never desired anyone the way that he desired the man currently in his arms and only
Jimin telling him no would keep him from what he wanted.

He knelt before Jimin, looked
up and met Jimin's gaze.

Jimin's cock stood to attention
as he slowly trailed his fingers
up Jimin's inner thighs, grazing his balls before running his fingertips over his shaft.

Jimin squirmed, his eyes
heavy with need, his
breathing shallow.

"Does that feel good?" He

Jimin bit his lips and nodded.

Jungkook slowly ran his fingers down Jimin's cock and when it twitched, Jungkook brought
his hand back up his erection, gripping it more firmly.

He enjoyed watching Jimin's reaction to the sensations
he was feeling.

The omega was so responsive, his eyes lighting up with
each stroke.

He used his free hand to massage Jimin's balls, pulling
a grunt from the omega as he writhed where he was seated.

Jungkook couldn't contain
his grin.

"Oh my God." Jimin cried.

He tossed his head back and
bit his lips as Jungkook traced
his finger down Jimin's cock, then flicked the very tip.

Jimin released another groan.

He wrapped his hand around
Jimin's shaft and stroked up
and down, Jimin's moans
echoed through in the

Jimin hardened even more
and his cock throbbed in
Jungkook's hand, so Jungkook began to jerk him even faster.

"Holy fuck." Jimin cried.

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