✔️ 16.

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After he fed the kids their
lunch, he told them he wanted
to meet up with a friend at
the park.

He was a little nervous to introduce the kids to Jungkook but only because this would
be the first time any man had been around them since
Taemin, at least any man
who was kissing daddy.

However, he was immediately
put at ease.

Jungkook was sitting on a
bench in the park when
Jimin and the kids arrived.

He ushered the kids up to
Jungkook and took a breath
before he had to make the introductions.

"Jungkook, I'd like you to
meet my children."

"This is Mirae, obviously."

"Jinwoo is on the end." He
had his hand on Mirae and
Jaewoo's shoulder.

"Jaewon is in the middle."

Looking down at his children
who looked up at him at the same time.

"Guys, this is Jungkook."

"Why don't you all say hello
to him."

"Hey." Jungkook said, waving
to the three of them.

He seemed nervous but
Jimin expected that.

"Hi." the triplets responded almost in unison.

"Are you dad's
boyfriend?" Jaewoo asked.

"Uh..." Jungkook shot Jimin
a look and he snickered.

He should have warned the
alpha that questions were
bound to fly but it would be interesting to see Jungkook's response to them and also a
test to how he would handle
the children if they ganged
up on him.

"Jungkook is a friend."

Jimin decided to help him out,
though it was mostly because
he wasn't even certain what
he was to Jungkook.

Maybe they should have talked about that before the introductions.

"Besides... what do you know about boyfriends?"

Jaewoo lifted his shoulders in
a half shrug and Jaewon
started to laugh.

Then Mirae said in a sing-song voice.

"Jaewoo has a boyfriend."

Jimin chuckled. "Is that so?"

"Well Jaewoo, you're going
to have to tell me about this
secret boyfriend you have."

Jaewoo giggled and spun
around in a circle. "Paaapa!"

"Where'd you come
from?" Mirae asked, ignoring
her brothers and focusing intently on Jungkook.

Jungkook's brow furrowed.

"Where'd I come from?"

Jimin crossed his arms and waited for his response.

"I'm not sure I understand
the question." Jungkook
looked up at him, confusion
was written all over his face.

He came around and sat next
to Jungkook in time to see
Mirae roll her eyes, which
had him chuckling.

His kids were in rare form
this afternoon.

"Were you born here?"

"Oh... yes. I was." Jungkook
shot him a look and he smiled.

Those were his kids and they were an inquisitive bunch.

"Do you have any
kids?" Jaewon asked.

Jungkook paused for a
moment then shook his head.

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