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Jungkook sat in his living
room waiting for the new
cleaner to show up.

He'd spent the last day trying
to figure out ways to make it
so Jimin would be left no
choice but be the one that
was working here in his home.

He finally decided that if he
could find any reason to
express dissatisfaction for the
job done by the workers
Jimin sent, then the man
himself would eventually
have to come and see what
was going on and take over.

Yeah, it wasn't exactly elegant
but in his mind, it should work.

As the time crept closer to
eight o'clock, Jungkook thought maybe he would have the
perfect opportunity first thing
by sending him back because
he was late.

Instead, he showed up with
five minutes to spare.

Jungkook groaned as he walked to the door and opened it up, greeting the man with a smile.

"Hello, come in please." He  stepped back gesturing.

"Good morning, sir."

"My name is Marvin." The medium-height beta smiled pleasantly at him.

So far, there was nothing for
him to complain about.

The man was on time and

Fuck, this clearly wasn't going
to be as easy as Jungkook's thought.

He entered the house and
Jungkook shut the door
then stopped in the foyer.

"You can leave your stuff over there and I will show you around."

Marvin nodded and parked the large trolley full of cleaning supplies and grabbed his clipboard and pen from the top.

He walked the man to the back of the house, next to the room with the washing machine and dryer, where there was a closet that held a vacuum cleaner, brooms, dustpans and a
shelf of cleaning supplies.

Marvin took it all in as he filled out the required forms.

"If we don't have anything here, please let me know and I'll be sure to make arrangements—"

"Oh... I have everything I need
in my van." Marvin pointed in
the direction they'd come.

"I also have all the cleaning agents that will get out absolutely any stains you
might have." Marvin smiled
and Jungkook nodded.

Jimin was certainly thorough when it came to releasing his employees to the workforce.

No wonder his business had
such a stellar reputation.

"Sounds good." He said.

He closed the closet and motioned for him to follow
him up the steps.

"Four of the rooms are
en-suite, one has the bath
room opposite so there's five guest rooms and a master."

"The back room on the left is
the weight room and you are
not expected to clean up in there, just as you are not expected to do anything
with the basement."

"However, I'll show you the basement just in case you
need anything."

Marvin nodded.

"Sounds good, sir."

"Another thing." Jungkook started.

"Please don't hesitate to call
me Jungkook."

"I have a feeling 'sir' will get
old fast."

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