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On Monday morning, Jimin
woke up to a fuzzy feeling in
his head.

The whole rest of the weekend he couldn't stop thinking
about that kiss.

It had even followed him
into his dreams.

Why did you run off?

God, Jungkook probably thought he was crazy or something.

He'd definitely given the impression that he wasn't interested in the alpha.

Damn it.

Although Jimin wasn't sure
what Jungkook wanted or what motivated the alpha, he didn't want to burn that particular bridge just yet but he just couldn't get that kiss out of
his head.

Thankfully, he didn't have to
go over to Jungkook's today
and man, did he need to have the day to himself.

He needed to figure out what
the kiss meant.

Did he want it to happen again?

He closed his eyes and let
out a breath.

When he got to the office,
Carl, his new assistant was already there working.

"Good morning, Carl." Jimin
said, bypassing the desk they had set up for him.

"Good morning, sir." He said.

He stopped and stepped back
to Carl's desk.

"What did I tell you about
calling me sir?"

Carl blushed and then smiled.

"Never to call you sir."

Jimin nodded.

"Right you are." he said and laughed.

He was about to move on and head to his office when Carl stopped him.

"I have a message for you."

"It's from Mr. Jeon."

He turned around.

"Jungkook?" His heart
crashed in his chest.

He knew there was a chance
that things could be awkward between them once they resumed work on Tuesday
but never in a million years
did he think Jungkook would
fire him.

That was the only reason
Jimin could see why Jungkook would have a reason to call
into the office on his day off.

"What'd he say?"

"He said he needs you to
come to the house today
and work."

"He has some extra duties
that will require some over

The statement turned into a question and Carl looked up
from his note.

"I think that was all the message, He said you'll know what he's talking about."

Jimin stood there slightly
dazed and not being able to
think of a response.

"Do you want me to call him back and tell him you can't
make it?" Carl asked.

Jimin forced a smile and
shook his head.

"It's alright, Thank you."

"I'll take care of it myself."

He still felt like he'd eaten an
egg salad that had been left
in the sun too long.

He just knew that Jungkook
was choosing to let him go
and his stomach turned and knotted the more he
thought about it.

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