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Four movies later and after Chinese delivery for supper,
the kids were all knocked out.

They were scattered across the floor and Jungkook stared
down at each one of them.

The day had gone better than
his wildest imagination could have come up with.

He looked over and found
Jimin staring at him and
Jungkook shot him a smile.

He didn't have to be a mind reader to know how worried
Jimin had been.

"They're out like a
light." He whispered.

Jimin nodded.

"They seem to like you." He grinned and Jungkook's eyes went back to them.

At that moment, he felt guilt
pool like a hot ball of magma
in his stomach, burning him
from the inside out.

He hated that he hadn't been honest with Jimin.

Everything to this point was
built on a lie and that wasn't
any way to build a relationship.

Even he knew that.

But as he stared down at him,
he didn't know how he could come out with the truth now.

"I think they're pretty great
too." He whispered, then
leaned in and kissed Jimin.

Jimin smiled as they parted
from the kiss.

"Now comes the fun part,
getting them to bed."

Jungkook laughed.

"I'll take Jaewoo and you
take Mirae then we'll come
back for Jaewon." he said.

"Sounds good." Jimin said.

They stood up and Jungkook started to head over to Jaewoo.

He was ready to pick him up when Jimin spoke up.

"That's Jaewon."

He pulled back and looked
down at him.

"What?" He turned to Jimin
and found him quietly laughing.

"I'm teasing."

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was going to say."

"And I am so going to get
you for that."

Jimin stuck his tongue out at
Him and shrugged.

Jungkook was pretty sure he
had it down on how to tell
them apart.

Jaewon and Jaewoo being identical made it difficult but there was a slight difference
in their features which you
had to be paying attention
to catch.

It also helped that they
weren't dressed the same.

He proceeded to pick Jaewoo
up as Jimin lifted Mirae.

Then Jimin the way and he followed him to the stairs.

They carried the two children upstairs and Jimin motioned
with his head to Jaewoo's

"The bed closest to the
window." He whispered.

Jungkook took jaewoo in
and then lowered him into
the bed.

It was smart to have them put their pajamas on before they started the last movie.

He stared down at Jaewoo for
a moment, his heart warming more and more every time
he looked at any of them.

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