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Jimin shifted in bed next to

For a split second after waking, he thought the previous night had been a dream.

He hadn't exactly planned it
but the date turned out to be more than he'd expected.

It almost seemed surreal.

He finally opened his eyes and turned so he could look over
at Jungkook.

He appeared to be sound
asleep next to him.

He smiled at the un-alpha-
like scene of Jungkook with
his mouth hanging open, a
fine line of drool running
across his cheek.

He wasn't sure when it had happened maybe it was all
the stolen lunches they had shared but somehow, he'd
fallen in love with Jungkook.

He couldn't even believe it.

After Taemin, he never
thought it would happen

Yet, there he was in the
Alpha's bed and now, the
alpha had wormed his way
into his heart.

He leaned over and kissed
Jungkook on the cheek and
the man made a sound before opening his eyes to look
over at Jimin.

"Good morning."

Jimin smiled.

"Good morning."

"You sleep like a baby."

Jungkook snickered.

"Baby? I don't know how to
take that."

"Did I drool?" He scrubbed
at his mouth.

"I hope I didn't snore."

Jimin shrugged. "Well, I
can confirm that yes, you
do drool but if you
snored, sadly I missed it."

He started laughing at the
look of horror that came
over the alpha's face.

Jungkook shook his head
and then leaned in for a kiss
and Jimin couldn't help but
sigh into it.

When he pulled back, he
held Jimin's gaze.

"Well, last night was amazing."

Jimin grinned. "Glad you
think so because I do too."

Jungkook leaned in again
and brushed another kiss
across Jimin's lips.

Jimin had woken a few times through the night, it was just habit since he usually checked
on the triplets at least once during the night but this time, he'd just studied Jungkook
as he slept.

Just thinking about his kids
had left a nagging feeling in
his belly.

He pushed it aside as long as
he could but it wasn't until
they woke up next to one another that Jimin knew the truth and what he wanted.

"What do you have planned
for the day?" Jungkook

Jungkook wiggled his eyes
at Jimin and he laughed.

"I don't have anything on
at the moment."

"How about we spend the day
in bed wrapped up in each other's arms?"

"Sound like a plan? Because
it sounds like an excellent
idea to me."

He chuckled as Jungkook grabbed onto his arm and
pulled him down to him.

They kissed and he lost
himself in the moment but
as always, his kids weren't
far from his mind.

Jungkook had asked about
his kids and he didn't seem
to hate them but he actually
had no idea how Jungkook
felt about kids in general.

He pressed his hand to
Jungkook's chest and pushed himself up.

"What do you think about
dating someone with three
kids?" He asked, allowing the seriousness of the question to come through in his tone.

Jungkook frowned and sat
up and Jimin moved so they
were seated next to one

"That's a silly
question." Jungkook replied.

Jimin raised a brow. "Is it?"

"Because I do have three
kids and that's going to be a dealbreaker if you can't see yourself dating someone with children."

"I mean, what happens if
we're set to go out but Mirae runs a fever or Jungwon
has a baseball game?"

"It's not like I can choose
our wants over my kids."

"They need their father in
their life and I guess I'm
hoping the man I end up
with is willing to be a
stepdad to them."

"Hey..." Jungkook reached
out and touched Jimin's arm.

"I would never ask you to
leave your kids out of this."

"I know they come with you."

"You're a package deal and I totally get that."

"You don't have to worry
about me, I want your kids to
be a part of this."

"I swear to you."

Jimin studied him and
Jungkook didn't flinch.

He could tell that Jungkook wasn't just giving him a line
and meant every word.

At least he hoped his gut instincts were right.

"It's just that I've tried to do
the dating thing before and
I've found that not too many men go for someone with

"I don't want you to feel
trapped and I definitely don't want us to get in a fight
over that down the road."

Jungkook shook his head.

"I don't feel trapped and
we won't, Trust me."

He leaned in and kissed him
and Jimin didn't withdraw
from the kiss this time.

He was choosing to trust
Jungkook and believe that
he wasn't just telling Jimin
what he wanted to hear.

He slowly pulled back and
Jimin smiled.

"Do you trust me?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded. "I do, so
I think that we should
introduce you to the kids."

"If we're going to give this a whirl then we need to be
all in, What do you say?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up and
he eagerly nodded.

"I think that is an amazing
idea." He agreed.

"Great, I can head home and
we can meet up after lunch
if that works for you?"

Jungkook seemed eager to
meet the kids and that
solidified to Jimin that he
was doing the right thing.

It was another step towards them progressing in their relationship.

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