✔️ epilogue.

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Eight Months Later

"You're doing so amazing."

Jungkook whispered as he
held onto Jimin's hand.

Jimin did some of the breathing exercises they'd practiced as another contraction hit him.

"I love you." Jungkook said
and kissed the top of his
head, inhaling the scent
of his hair.

"Just breathe, baby."

Jimin looked over at him and nodded, The doctor stood
over him with a nurse on
the other side.

"We're going to numb you
now and before you know
it, this baby will be out."

Jimin smiled and Jungkook moved in, pressing their lips together in a kiss but then
Jimin cried out and squeezed
Jungkook's hand painfully.

Jungkook held Jimin as the
nurse gave him an injection
and Jungkook watched him, whispering how much he
loved him.

"Okay, Hold tight."

"The fun is just about to
begin." The doctor said.

Jimin squeezed Jungkook's
hand even tighter.

Jungkook kept his eyes
focused on Jimin's as the
doctor worked on the
Cesarean section.

He refused to look over the
sheet blocking what they
were doing to his husband.

As the grip Jimin had on his
hand relaxed, Jiungkook
realized the numbing
medicine was taking effect.

"My eyes are focused on

"And only you." Jungkook

"Right now, it's just you and

"Nothing else in the world matters."

Jimin smiled. "I love you."

Those three words meant everything to Jungkook.

Since overcoming the mess
the alpha had made at the
start of their relationship and getting back together, their
love had only blossomed into something even stronger.

Plus, Jungkook loved every moment he spent getting to know the triplets as well.

Even though they'd only
had a small wedding, the
children enjoyed being
involved in the ceremony.

Mirae made the cutest
flower girl.

They'd had all his brothers present, along with Nat, Carl, Marvin and the other cleaners who he had turned away.

Yes... Jungkook had to
apologize and explain all that
had happened but over time,
he was able to establish friendships with the people
who worked for Jimin.

Afterward, the triplets were ecstatic because they'd gotten
to pick new rooms when
they all moved to Jungkook's
home and they had fun redecorating them.

"You're doing so well." He
cooed, coming back to the present moment.

He looked down lovingly at
Jimin and his omega's eyes
were half-closed.

He looked exhausted from
the twelve hours of labor
he'd been through prior to
the C-section.

"Just a few more
minutes." The doctor said.

"Just a few more
mins." Jungkook reiterated.

"We're going to meet our
son or daughter in a few
more minutes."

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