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" You have some pretty hair, boo." Kalea compliments as she straightens my hair, and I smile softly. " Thank you, my mama always made these hair remedies to keep my hair healthy and clean."

She hums, " Mmm. I gotta meet Mama James soon, she sounds like a sweetheart."

I sighed, leaning back as she combs out my hair from the roots then gently presses the straightener to my hair. " Yeah... she is."

We settle into a comfortable silence, as I fidget with my brown tank top that hugged my chest like a second skin. I knew it would be chilly when we left the dorm, so I would most likely bring a jacket with me just in case. I didn't want to catch a cold.

" Tori?"

" Hm?" I answered, moving a strand of hair out of my face. The heat from the flat iron felt nice against my cold skin, as the air conditioning was circulating throughout the room.

She hesitates before speaking, " Can I ask you sum personal?"

I nod, twisting my bracelet around on my wrist. "Sure, what's up?"

Kalea puts down the flat iron, grabbing the wide tooth comb and gently combing from the roots to the ends. " What you said on the phone with ya moms — was that true?"

I stiffened, and I could feel her burning gaze at the back of my skull. I knew what she was talking about, but I didn't know what exact part she was referring to.

I shift uncomfortably, gnawing at the inside of my cheek. " What do you mean?"

She runs her fingers through my hair, pressing the flat iron once more on the ends. " That you feel alone even when surrounded by othas."

I relaxed at this, thankful that she wasn't referring to my suicide attempts. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable with her curiosity, but I never liked discussing that dark part about me. I evolved from that, and I try to leave it in the past as much as possible. I have my anti-depressants to thank for that, as it did help me to cope with my emotions better instead of doing something drastic.

Before I respond, she does. " I didn't know that, and I'm sorry if I eva made you feel as if you were alone this entire time."

I wave her off, trying to lighten the mood with a laugh. " It's fine, and you don't have to apologize. I'm okay, I swear."

Kalea cuts off the straightener, then unplugs it from the circuit. " Well," she begins, grabbing the mirror and handing it to me. " Hopefully tonight will make you feel betta,"

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