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" Whew! That food was so damn good. I'm stuffed,"Kalea gestures towards her empty plate, rubbing her stomach ever so slowly as she sits across the table from me. 

I nodded in agreement, crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at my half-empty plate of food. " Yeah, it was good," I mumbled. 

Halfway as I ate, I lost my appetite. my mind succumbed to the thoughts of Jafar and his ridiculousness. The conversation wasn't even that long and yet I was getting more and more pissed off by the second. I didn't understand, honestly, how someone could be upset for something that THEY did. it wasn't even about the sex anymore, it was about the principle of the matter. 

First of all, his attitude towards me was completely uncalled for. Secondly, if he truly didn't want to talk about it, he could've just said ' Hey, I don't want to talk about it right now. but when I am ready, I will tell you.' That's all that I ask—simple communication. 

I didn't agree to be his girlfriend just so he could go back on his word. We've been together for almost seven months now, yet he's still showing me that he hasn't changed one bit. I was sick of it, I was sick of all of it.

" What's on ya mind, T?" 

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned back against my seat. " Nothing, just--" I paused, trying to find the right words. " I'm just tired, you know? I'm tired." 

" Tired of him, I'm guessing." Kalea hums, leaning her head on her hand as she glances in my direction. 

" Yes and no. I love Jafar more than anything, but I'm so sick and tired of his attitude. he's been doing so good these past few months and then this happens? after I share the most vulnerable parts of me? And yeah, it may not sound like a big deal but it is to me. Because now, all I'm thinking is that he used me. He used me for what I have between my legs, and now he wants to throw me to the curb and forget about everything. I'm not doing that, Lea." I vented.

" So what are you going to do about it?" 

I run my hands over my face, letting out a deep breath. " I don't know, Kalea. but I'm sure as hell not going to stay with someone who treats me like shit whenever something bad happens. That's not how relationships work. My mama and daddy had their issues but they always figure their shit out. But Jafar? He snaps first then apologies after the fact. Scratch that, he'll get mad at you for trying to leave the situation and then he'll apologize." 

She scrunched up her nose, " So basically what I'm hearing is that he wants you to stick around after he has his little tantrum and then wanna feel sorry about it? Hell nah, I don't blame you fa wanting to leave his ass." 

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