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" Hmm, ion know if I like dis one. Turn around again,"

" Lea, This is the seventh dress I put on, can't I just wear black?"

" Hoe we not goin to a funeral, we goin to a bougie ass restaurant wit sugar daddies and sexy ass dilfs. We gotta look the part!"

I groan, throwing my head back. "Come on, Lea! It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone!"

Kalea walks up to me with a keen eye, turning my body side to side. She was still in her bra and underwear, with her rollers tightly pinned to her scalp and makeup halfway done. " It's not about impressing anyone, it's about impressing yo self." She chastised.

I rolled my eyes, pulling the thin fabric down to at least cover my ass. " Yeah, Yeah. I realize that,"

Kalea smacks her lips, crossing her arms in front of her chest. " Chile look at it like dis: we gon go out, have some drinks, get some good ass food, and we dont got to pay for it! Ain't that a blessing?!"

I scratch the side of my scalp, holding up my hand in confusion. " Hold on, explain to me again this whole— thing with Vertigo or whatever his name is,"

" Bitch you mean Vitali," Kalea snorted, shaking her head at me.

I chuckled, taking a seat on the edge of my bed as I look up at her. " You know what I mean, plus it's not my fault his name is so complicated to remember. You lucky I didn't call him Vladimir Putin."

" Okay hoe first of all," she begins with a laugh, " Vitali is an Italian name, not a Russian one."

I quirked a brow in amusement, cocking my head to the side. "You looked it up on google, huh?"

" Bitch that's not the point!" Kalea huffed, rolling her eyes as she adjusted the straps of her bra and pulled up her underwear. " His name basically mean like— life giving or sum shit. I can't even remember, but yeah,"

I hummed, standing up to take off the seventh dress she made me try on. " Mhmm. Well, This is the part where you explain to me what exactly is going on between you and him."

" Um, no ma'am. On to the next subject, Eli text you? You know it's like— damn near almost ten o clock right?"

I rolled my eyes at this, flicking a strand of hair behind my ear as I look down at my phone then back at her. " I'm not in the mood to deal with him and he knows that. And to be completely transparent, I could care less about what he's doing. He made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to talk to me so I'm just matching his energy."

She scrunched up her nose, looking at the imaginary watch on her wrist. " bitch how long did you take that nap fa? We ain't start getting ready till about five or six sum— Matta fact, what the hell did you smoke?"

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