Starting the Assignment

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The school had finally ended for the day. Thank fuck. Just because I'm 'smart' or whatever doesn't mean I like this hell hole. Finally, home swe- wait. I made plans to go to that fuckface's house. Damnit. I unwillingly dragged my feet to the front gate to meet up with my assignment partner. 'This is going to be a long afternoon' I thought.

We caught the bus to his house, a few times he tried to make conversation, but I shut him down every time, the last thing I want to do is excessively talk to this buffoon. He eventually gave up and I felt a little bad, but whatever. When we got off the bus I asked, "How far is your house from here?"

"Not too far, we should be there in about 10 minutes." He replied, clearly happy I'd finally spoken to him. "So, what are you interested in?" He quickly asked, as if not to let the opportunity to talk me slip, what a loveable idiot, no, just an idiot.

"Why?" I was confused as to why he suddenly cared about my interests.

"For the slide show." Oh. That makes so much more sense. Of course, that asshole doesn't care about what I like.

"Hmm, I don't know, I like reading, I guess. And ancient Greek myths, hockey too I guess." I honestly didn't think we would have anything in common, I partly hoped we didn't. I didn't want to be able to relate to that ruffian in any sense.

"Oh, we're here." He announced, "Welcome to my humble abode." Humble was not the word for it. It was a part mansion - part townhouse. It was incredible. The architecture was extremely well-planned, and the building was amazingly executed. I'm pretty sure my jaw fell off of its hinges. No wonder he was so stuck up, he was unfathomably rich. I didn't know what to say, my brain had simply stopped comprehending existence. "Hey, you okay?" God his voice is attractive. What? Never mind. "Yeah, it's just such a big house. Like, what do you do with all that space?"

"Ha, a lot of expensive, rich kid things." God, I hate his snarky comments. He then proceeded to invite me inside and to his room to drop our school bags before going back downstairs to have some afternoon tea his mum had prepared.

"Oh, darling, why didn't you tell me you were going to invite a beautiful girl such as her over? I would have prepared extra snacks." Her voice sounded like a warm cup of tea on a rainy day, which I honestly didn't think could be a sound. "And who might you be, love?" She turned her attention to me, "Ah, Rei, thank you for having me." I panicked; it had been a while since I was a new person in someone's house. God save me from the awkwardness that is my existence.

"Mum, we're gonna head up to my room and finish this assignment." Ethan said as he grabbed the plate of snacks and started to walk back to steps we had previously walked down from. I murmured a thank you for having me to Mrs. Brooklyn as I scampered up the stairs behind him, almost tripping twice. I could hear him snickering at me, that fucking brat. As we got to his room, I took a seat on a beanbag near where he was sitting on his bed and grabbed my laptop out of the bag, he did the same after placing the snacks on the floor between us.

"You said you like Ancient Greek myths, right?"

"Uh, yeah, why?" God, I had already forgotten about that.

"Cool, we can do that then. I think they're cool, I guess, so how do you want to attack this?" What? He's interested in Greek Myths? That's surprising, and not that bad actually.

"We could do Persephone's or Prometheus' stories?" Those were the first to kind of popular but not over used stories that came to mind.

"Yeah, Persephone is a good idea. Not an unpopular story, but not overused." Thats what I just said, dumbass. "... I don't actually know Persephone's story that well." Fucking dumbass.

"It's fine, I'll write the words for the PowerPoint and the script, you just create the template and find the images, ok?" As usual, I'm the one who has to do all the work.

"Ok, if you want." And that's how it went. We mostly stayed quiet, Ethan occasionally asking if a slide looked okay or if I wanted a break from typing my 'lengthy paragraphs', he was being such a bitch but also nice, it was weird. We also eat the snacks Mrs. Brooklyn had given us earlier, which happened to be home-made cookies. Ethan told me they were a family recipe. Damn, not only is his stupid family rich but their family recipes are stupidly delicious. Because the dumbass had decided to sit on his bed and set the cookies on the floor, he had to move his laptop of his legs and lean down to the ground to get them.

That's when he slipped. He fell off his bed and faceplanted in my lap. We both froze. He put a hand on my thigh to push himself up, his hand just seemed to be unreasonably close to my waist.

"That was awkward" I said, hoping to relieve the tension of the situation. Thank God it did, he laughed and mumbled a 'yeah' before realizing that he'd landed over the cookies.

"Aww, no, the cookies!" I laughed at that, also because he had crumbs all over his shirt. God, he is so absolutely stupid.


This chapter was all over the place lol, sorry if the story is a little hard to follow, (I'm too lazy to re-read the whole thing.)

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