Finishing the cookies/ departing with a hoodie

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(Ethan POV btw)

I rushed to my room and dropped the bags on the floor before practically sprinting back downstairs. The thought of Rei baking was just so cute. I got into the kitchen and sat on the stool on the opposite side of the bench. Rei and Mum were just starting the dough. They seemed to be enjoying hanging out, which is a great sign. When they finished mixing the dough and took it out of the bowl, I got it to eat the bits left out of the bowl. they then cut the cookies out and placed them in the oven. 

After taking them out of the oven, they were left to cool for a few minutes, in the meantime, the three of us had pleasant conversations about school and such. Rei had a bit of flour on her nose, and it was so cute, I wish shit like this happened every day. I eventually told her about it, and she got embarrassed about it and quickly wiped it off. Me and mum laughed about it.

The cookies were finally ready to be consumed. I was elected as a taste tester, not that I was complaining. These cookies are ten times better than the ones Mum makes, and that's exactly what I told Rei. She muttered a thank you and said that she was just glad she didn't manage to burn the kitchen down. The cookies were all gone in under 10 minutes. Rei thanked my mother heaps for teaching and helping her make the family recipe cookie. She said it was fine and she was happy to do so. We then headed upstairs for the rest of the afternoon, we just sat in my room and talked. She helped me study a bit, but we got super distracted really quickly, something about talking to her was just addictive in a way.

"Hey, can I borrow a hoodie? I don't wanna walk around at night in a school uniform plus it's cold." She asked.

"Sure." I got up and went to my wardrobe, opening a draw and pulling out a plain dark green hoodie and throwing it at her.

"Thanks." She said. Then she said that she should probably start to head home so that she didn't end up getting home in the dark. We said goodbye and good night before she left. I knew I would see her at school tomorrow, but I still got sad at her leaving. I knew that one thing I would probably never see again was though, that hoodie.


Another chapter tonight, let's goooo! I love domestic romance lol. Good nightttt!!

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