My brother, Dick/ delicious pancakes

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(Ethan's POV btw)

It's a Friday afternoon. Finally. The freedom of the weekend. No school and only socializing with people you want to. Once I got home, I pulled my phone out of my pocket while sitting down on a couch. I had a text from Nick asking if I wanted to go to a party at his house, the whole of my old school was invited. I said sure, couldn't hurt to hang out with all my old friends. He then asked if I could see if Rei could come. I said sure, she'll probably want to come along as well. I pulled up her messages as I received a message from her. 'Wanna go to that party Nick is hosting with me? Maybe crash at my place if we don't pass out?' I laughed a little at that. She's never been able to control her liquor, it's never one glass, it's always at least one bottle. I said sure since I was going to go anyway.

I was scrolling through TikTok in the open living room, and a once-a-month occurrence happened. My brother appeared. He usually is just in his room at his friend's house or work. He would be in year 12, but he decided to drop out because 'school wasn't for him' (a.k.a he failed like all his classes). He's honestly an entitled dickhead, so I don't care that I never see him. He grabbed a soda from the fridge in the room next to me and then decided to come and sit in the same room as me.

"I thought you were too good to be in the same room as me," I said, already wanting him to leave me alone, sensing the condescending commentary on my life.

"What, am I not allowed to check in with my least favourite brother?" No, now fuck off. There's a reason almost none of my friends know of your existence.

"What do you want to 'check-in' on, then?" I replied, making air quotation marks. I loathe him with all my heart.

"Well, I wanted to know if you have a girlfriend yet. Or are you too busy for one?" Of course, pretending to care about my life so that he could use my answer to tease me. 

"I know you don't care, Dick. Don't talk to me." I said, before walking off to my room to scroll on my phone peacefully. 

My mum then called everyone downstairs for dinner. I walked downstairs, out of my school uniform and in some sweatpants and a singlet. Surprisingly, my brother joined us for dinner. Mother asked why he was home tonight, he said the rest of his friends were at a work thing, and he was the only one who didn't work at the same place. I snickered at that but stopped when my mum glared at me. He was going to be home for the next two days. Fucking fantastic. I'm stuck with his ass for my entire weekend. After dinner finished, Dick went straight to his room while I was a good son and helped my mother with the dishes. After I helped wash the dishes, I went to my room and pretty much promptly collapsed onto my bed and immediately fell asleep. 

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes from downstairs. I got up, put my phone in my pocket, and pretty much just followed the smell of pancakes into the kitchen where Rei, Mother, and my brother were standing around. WAIT. Rei? When did she get her?

"Oh, good morning Ethan! Do you want some pancakes?" I nodded before asking the obvious question,

"Does this count as my payment for the study tip?" She laughed before saying yes and going back to the pancakes on the stove. My mum handed me a plate with pancakes, ice cream and maple syrup. It looked delicious. And it was. Dick headed upstairs, which meant that I could talk without him having shit to make fun of me with later.

"Is it good? I hope it is, I tried." Rei said, slightly nervous.

"It's great. Super fluffy." She beamed at me, before insisting on helping my mum with the dishes. I decided not to even bother questioning why she was at my house at 9 am making breakfast. I wouldn't mind every Saturday morning starting like today. The pancakes were delicious. 


Hiiii!!!! Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was so busy all day and then I was just too tired to bring myself to write lol. Please comment and ask if anything in this chapter doesn't make sense!! LOVE YOU ALLLL!!!!!!!

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