A big dramatic party

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(This chapter is in Rei's POV btw)

School has been going for a while now, I've made some new friends (Although most of them are super boring bitches) and Ethan has become slightly less insufferable. Which is a sentence I never thought I'd utter. But I've become good friends with this guy named Kallum. He's super nice most of the time, although occasionally he can be a bit of a dick and make fun of me. Ethan seems to hate him with a passion, I can't figure out why though.

"Hey, Rei, you wanna come with me to a party Friday night, tomorrow?" Kallum asked, bringing my attention back to the mortal realm. We were currently sitting under a tree on a stretch of grass between two of the buildings on campus.

"Sure, where is it?" I didn't have anything on and had finished my homework already.

"I'll just drop by your house at 6:30 and take you there, okay?"

"Sure." Then the bell rang, and we both hurried to our next classes, he had math and I had science, one of my most dreaded subjects. Simply because I'm really bad at biology and Ethan was good at it. Which meant he constantly shoved it in my face. God, he pisses me off sometimes. We did a pop quiz which I got the second-best mark, and Ethan had nothing but boasts to say about his perfect score.

That afternoon, I caught the bus home alone because Kallum had to go to some family thing and Ethan had guitar practice on Thursdays. I must look so emo right now. Once I got home, I told my mum about how I was going to go to a party with a friend tomorrow night and then isolated myself in my room with nothing but my excellent music taste to keep me company.

Friday was a boring school schedule, consisting of math, English, Japanese, and then history. I got home and immediately started getting ready for the party in a few hours. I decided on a black dress with a slit going to halfway up my thigh with a simple silver chain and a few silver rings. To finish it off, I decided on heeled boots that went a bit above the ankle (knee-highs looked weird with the dress). I also put on a bit of subtle red eyeshadow and red lipstick. I gave myself a look over in the mirror, deciding I looked decent enough, and packed a little black handbag with my phone, my keys, some lipstick, and a condom (you never know, ok?), then I yelled a quick goodbye to my family before stepping outside and waiting for Kallum to take me to the party.

(This was the inspo for the outfit lol, shout out to my queen Niki!!)

"Took you long enough!" I exclaimed, taking a seat in the back of the cab he had booked for us

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"Took you long enough!" I exclaimed, taking a seat in the back of the cab he had booked for us. (They aren't old enough to drive.)

"Sorry, you look great by the way."

"Thanks, you are too." We then set off down an oddly familiar route. Then I realized who was holding the party. Ethan was, that ignorant fucking brat. I got all dressed up for that fuck-faces party. This is bullshit.

We got there in about 10 minutes, Kallum paying for the cab despite my stubbornness. When I took a look at the house, it was completely different from how I remembered it. Back a few weeks ago, it looked like a rich family's manor, tonight however, it looked like a proper party house. With everything from disco lights to smoke machines to the stench of liquor and underage drinking. The entire thing looked like a load of fun. I bee-lined for the alcohol, finding a bottle of red wine and taking it with me to find a place to sit and enjoy la-la-liquor land. Kallum went off with a few of his mates, so I wasn't too worried about him making a fool of myself. I hadn't seen Ethan yet though.

I was now about two-thirds of the way through the bottle of wine. My vision was a bit hazy, and the ground was swimming a bit beneath my feet, but I decided to go and get another bottle before I finished the one in my hand so it would be harder to regret doing so much drinking. On my way to the kitchen, I spotted a familiar face. It was Ethan, so, the little shit did show up to his party, my brain half-thought, half-mumbled out loud. I continued my voyage to the kitchen. I found another bottle of red wine. I picked it up and decided that just sitting in the kitchen would be easier. That's when Ethan showed up and said something, the noise from the room I was in before must have damaged my hearing, because I had no idea what he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know you were coming; I don't even think I told you about this party."

"No, you didn't *hic* jackass, Kallum invited me." His face contorted into a disgusted look at the mention of his name. I found that super funny. I started uncontrollably laughing. I took a sip of my new bottle of wine.

"Excussseee mee, I'm gonna leave now, byeeee." and with that I left to wonder his house. I walked up the stairs to a slightly more relaxed and quieter group of partygoers. I sat down in a chair, had half of the wine bottle in my hand, daydreamed a bit about how amazing my life could be and then passed out.

The next day, 3:13 AM

God, my head fucking hurts. I sat up and looked around. It was almost empty, there were a few bodies on the floor that I stepped around to get to the kitchen to see if Ethan had any energy drinks in his fridge. On my way, I discovered that someone had given me their jumper while I was out because I had an over-sized black hoodie on me. In the pocket there was a note: People kept trying to look down your dress, so I gave you my jumper. You can keep it though. There was a name at the bottom, but it was smudged from a red wine stain. Whoever it was, they're really nice. I had made it to the kitchen without tripping over a passed-out lump, only to find the amazing party host himself sitting on a stool at the island in the middle of the room.

"Hey, your awake!" He said, surprised.

"Well, I'm not dead, surprisingly." I replied, he laughed at that. "Do you happen to have any energy drinks in that rich fridge of yours?"

"Yes, actually, here." He said as he handed me a monster.

"Thanks." I opened the can and started to feel ever so slightly better. "Did anything interesting happen while I was out?"

"No not really, just people drunkenly making out and stuff, y'know." he replied, slightly shaking his head.

"Damn. Oh right, do you know whose jumper this is?" I asked, "There was a note in the pocket too." I said, handing him the note.

He read the note over twice, then said, "Hm, I don't know, but they sound super nice whoever it was."

"I know, right?" I then finished the rest of my monster while chatting with Ethan before we ended up in his room. 7:00 AM came way faster than I thought it would. By then most people had left and so I had to leave as well.

"Well, bye!" I said, walking out his front door.

"Bye, see you Monday." Then I walked home, replying Kallum's text asking if I was safe and okay that I was fine and had just passed out for a bit because I downed an ungodly amount of red wine and then calling the most amazing friend in the world and recounting the entire night/ morning and then listening to her theories about who the 'jumper boy' was.


This is my longest chapter yet!!! Hooray!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it made sense lol. Make sure to eat, sleep, drink water and most importantly, love yourself!!!!!

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