Second day on the cruise/ Panned cakes!

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(Ethan's POV btw)

It was our second day on the cruise, and I was woken up by the disoriented sunrays from the window. Rei was still fast asleep in my arms, I softly shook her awake because my arm had kind of fallen asleep before asking her if she wanted to go and get breakfast, Terry always makes the best pancakes. We got up and headed up the stairs to the kitchen where Terry had already started making the pancakes and sat at the table nearby, Rei resting her head on my shoulder. She still looks tired. Terry brought two plates to the table, each with three pancakes on them, along with maple syrup and a bowl of berries. I took a few berries and drowned my pancakes in syrup before handing the bottle to Rei, she only poured a small amount of syrup over her berries and pancakes. After she had a few bites, she muttered,

"These are good panned cakes." Before stopping cutting her next bite and making a very confused look while I started to laugh uncontrollably, 

"Panned cakes! Oh my god! That's amazing!" She started laughing too, attempting to cut her next bite, but giving up and giving her body over to her laughter. We probably found it more funny than it was, but in that moment, it was some of the funniest shit ever.

My cousins came upstairs a while after, clearly hungry,

"You want some panned cakes?" Rei asked Georgia, trying to contain her laughter and barely succeeding.

"What?" She asked, and me and Rei broke out in laughter, while my cousins gave us weird looks and grabbed their breakfasts. 

We spent the rest of the day together, most of the time Georgia and Rex were also with us but Rei pretty much didn't leave my side and we sat on the deck and attempted to play uno, but the cards kept getting blown away by the breeze, so we gave up and just sat on the deck, watching the waves break on the hull and talked the day away, occasionally getting up to raid the fridge for lunch or simply to chase each other around the house.

That night, I was laying in our bed, mindlessly scrolling on tumblr, when Rei walked in wearing her pj's and laid on the bed and put an arm around me. She seemed painfully tired, so I put my phone down and got up to turn the lights off before snuggling into bed next to one of the most beautiful people I've met and saying good night. In the almost pitch darkness of the room, I heard her whisper back,

"I love you." Before dozing off.


HHIIIIIIIII!!!! Sorry I was gone so long!! I was doing family stuff of Christmas and New years lol. This might actually be the last or second last chapter of this book, sorry. There was a lot more I had planned, but alas, my motivation has disappeared :( 

The next book will be a CHB OC AU, so, if your interested, maybe check it out! BYEEEEEE, LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!

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