Making plans

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(Ethan's POV btw)

"Dude, did you see how pretty she was in that sweater?" I asked looking over at Nick.

"Whatever dude, I'm not a simp, ok?" I just rolled my eyes as he laughed. But honestly, she's just so pretty. But why was she hanging out with Kallum here? Were they on a date? Surely not. I'll ask Rei on Monday, in the meantime, I'll beat the shit out of Nick with Nerf guns. 

I ended up winning, he only shot me 4 times, while I got him 9 times. What a loser. We then headed over to my house and he stayed the night. He kept bugging me about school even though that was the last thing I wanted to think of. It's honestly so boring. And the only class I'm good at is biology. But no one will ever know that. So instead of telling him that I despise school and am only going to that smart-ass school because Rei is, I just said, 

"I'm doing amazing, as always, what about you? Still failing?" He threw a box at me for that. I honestly have no idea where that box came from. We just talked, tried to summon some demon, and tackled each other. It was overall pretty fun. As much as I hate Nick, he's not a total ass. He left early on Sunday, claiming he had 'shit to do' a.k.a. his girlfriend. I sat around my house for the rest of the day, practiced guitar, and overall was just super bored. The main thought on my mind for the day was trying to figure out what the fuck Rei thought of me. Because, on one hand, she seemed to enjoy talking to me, on the other, however, when we weren't talking, she seemed to hate me. So, I don't know. Either she's super good at hiding her emotions, or she just low-key hates me.

Monday was nothing special, I sat through classes, trying to learn the information the teacher was saying, while Rei seemed to be practically asleep in her chair.

"Busy weekend?" I asked her, trying to start conversation.

"No, just stayed up late, you know?"

"Yeah, fair enough. When you were hanging out with Kallum, was that just you guys hanging out?"

"Yeah? What else would it be?" She seemed actually confused. Has she never been on a date or something?

"It's just, that place is pretty romantic, y'know?" God this is so awkward to talk about.

"Eww, no." Thank God, They're just friends.

The rest of the day went swimmingly, Rei proved to be the smartest in each and every class, I just kicked back and relaxed. School is hard. For history, we had to get into pairs and write up an assignment about the French revolution and hand it in next Monday as a part of our end-of-term marks. Me and Rei ended up paired together, again. She said we could each some research throughout the week and then meet up on Saturday and work it into an assignment paper. I thought this was a genius idea, so I agreed and offered that we could do it at my house.

"Sure. See you then." It was settled, she was coming over to my house. I was way more excited about this than I should be. I tried to study but ended up barely doing any actual study.


Honestly had no idea how to write this chapter lol. Then I got an idea, then my internet cut out and I lost the motivation and momentum again. Sorry it's short and shit. I'll try and write more in the next chapter. 

Question: Which POV should the next chapter be in?

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