Dinner at the Brooklyn's house

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(Rei's POV btw)

It's finally Saturday, a day to relax and calm down from stressful school weeks... never mind. I have to go over to that fucking dickwad's house. I sat up in my bed and reached over to my side table to check my phone. I had a text from 8:50 AM, about ten minutes ago, from Ethan,

'When do you want to come over and work on the assignment?' God, I can't believe I have to do an assignment that's going towards my grade with that troglodyte.

'How about 1:00?' That gives me plenty of time to get dressed and grab a snack before walking over there. I pulled on a pair of shorts that came halfway down my thighs, chucked a slightly oversized shirt on, and finally grabbed my Chuck Taylors and a bag for my study books and my laptop. Right before exiting my room, I decided to grab the hoodie from that "mystery guy", just in case I ended up being out too long. It was already 10:00, so I poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate. Then I started walking to Ethan's mansion. 

Once I arrived, I knocked using a fancy knocker that was attached to the middle of the door. His mother answered it.

"Ah, hello dear! Ethan told me you were coming around for another school project. You are a few minutes early though, I must say."

"Oh- sorry, I just couldn't wait to get started, you know?"

"That's good to hear, Ethan is up in his room, please just ask me if you need anything, okay dear?" She was such a sweet old lady. how'd she manage to give birth to a literal spawn of Satan? 

"Of course, thank you so much." I headed upstairs. Not tripping as I did last time. I walked up to Ethan's door, which was shut, and knocked.

"Come in." He said. I opened the door and saw that the room was exactly the same as the last time I was here. Almost completely spotless with a trophy case mounted on one wall, two beanbags strown across the floor, and his bed pushed up against the far corner. I pulled a beanbag towards his bed and sat down. 

"So, how much study did you get done?" I asked him, hoping, but not counting on, him having done a good amount of study. 

"Barely any, sorry. I tried." Disappointed, but not surprised. I got my laptop and history book out of my bag. New assignment, same problem. I had gotten in the habit of thinking this phrase whenever I had to carry a group to an A. Which was a lot. I asked him to open a new power point presentation and write a title and our names. He obliged. 

"I see you have that hoodie from the nice guy on." He said while I was revising and rewriting a few of my notes. 

"Yeah, it's super comfy and smells good." I replied, getting two highlighters out to highlight important dates and important facts. I saw him go slightly red at that comment. I thought that reaction was weird, but then remembered that he's pretty fucking weird. We worked on the presentation together, adding and taking out slides, remembering facts to squeeze in here and there, all while sparking up an interesting conversation. We discussed all kinds of things, it was actually a really enjoyable discussion, which surprising considering the fact that he doesn't seem to have a single thought going through his head. at 4:00 his mum brought up cookies, which were superb, all while we worked and chatted. before I knew it, it was dinner time, and we were only two-thirds of the way through.

"Well, would you like to stay over for tea and finish the project afterwards?" What a kind and considerate old lady.

"Oh, if it wouldn't be too much of a bother, I would very much appreciate that."

"Of course, sweetie! No hassle at all." I texted my mum that I was going to be out later than expected and to not bother with my dinner before sitting down at the Brooklyn's dinner table. There was a plate of perfectly seasoned and cooked chicken with a delicious-looking salad to go with it.

"Wow, this looks amazing." I praised.

"I try my best." Mrs. Brooklyn said with a smile before making a face at Ethan, before he gave her a death glare and she looked back at her plate and began to eat. I started to eat as well. Wow. I don't think I have ever cleaned a plate as fast as I just did. I then put my knife and fork together and waited for Ethan to finish his dinner before asking if there was any way I could help clean up. Mrs. Brooklyn insisted that it was fine, and she could clean up on her own. Then Ethan led me back up to his room and we continued to work on the assignment.

We finished the assignment as the clock struck 8:15 PM, his mum having already came in saying she was heading to bed. I took one last look at my notes, thanking the heavens above that it was finally completed. 

"Hey, it's pretty late, do you want to just stay over tonight?"

"Uh, sure, I don't mind."

"Sweet, you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on one of the beanbags."

"No, no, it's ok. You can sleep on the bed. I really don't mind."

"No, you will be sleeping on the bed." I knew he wasn't going to give up, the stubborn little shit. So, I ended up laying in his bed with my shorts and the hoodie from the nice guy on. While he was laying on a beanbag with just some sweats on. He actually looks kinda fine- no what the fuck. That is one of the most disturbing thoughts I've had ever. Anyway, I fell asleep pretty quick with The Uptowners playing in one of my air pods. What a night.


Hellooooo!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Btw, sorry if this chapter isn't as great as the other ones, I'm super stressed about this thing I have to do tomorrow lol. Also, if there are any mistakes in this chapter, please let me know!!

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