Dinner and breakfast at Home

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(Rei's POV btw)

I walked home from Ethan's house, my Spotify liked playlist playing through one of my air pods. I checked my phone, 5:30, the sun's gonna set soon. Fucking hell, this afternoon disappeared really quickly. Those cookies were fucking delicious though. And I got one of Ethan's hoodies, that he will probably never see again. 

Once I entered my own house, I saw my family already eating dinner and went to join them. Mum's food is always good, but it can't beat Nicole's cooking. My phone dinged while I was getting my plate from the kitchen. It was a message from 'Dumbass <3',

'Did you get home alright?' I opened up my phone and told him I was safe. Then I went into the dining room and ate and talked to my family. Dad was home early tonight, so he talked about work and asked me and my little brother how school was going. We explained which classes were easy and which classes we were struggling with. After dinner was done, Dad helped us with homework while Mum cleaned up. We then headed to bed, I stayed up reading to myself and listening to the rest of my family fall asleep. It's not often that Dad gets home from work early, so we always make the most of it.

The next morning, I woke up early, so I got up and said goodbye to my dad and started making breakfast for the rest of my family. Some toasted waffles for my brother and porridge for my mother. I made a bowl of cereal for myself and sat down to eat. Theo then came downstairs and grabbed his breakfast, murmuring thanks before eating it all, he then headed back upstairs to play video games and get ready for school. I headed upstairs with mums' breakfast, placed it on her bed side table before heading into my room to get dressed and pack my bag.

After getting ready, I poked my head into Theo's room to remind him to get changed and get mum up and then headed to the bus stop to go to school, continuing the playlist I was listening to the night before. 


Hello!! Sorry for this short filler chapter lol, I wanted to write a family-oriented chapter. I'll probably write one or two more chapters today as well. Hope you enjoyed!!

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