Having an actual social life

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(Rei's POV btw)

As I walked home, I played the events of the night before over and over again. Why the fuck did he look so hot? I pulled out my phone to call Eva.

"Yo, what's up lovely?" I heard from the other line almost immediately after calling.

"I think I have a crush on someone, just maybe, and I'm so disappointed in who it is," I confessed. She hummed in encouragement, telling me to continue. "It's Ethan." I then heard her choke on her spit.

"What!? Ethan? Why him?" Honestly, I was asking myself the same thing.

"Well, we've been talking a lot in class, I've hung out with him a bit outside of school as well, and last night I slept over at his house and it was magical for some fucking reason. Like, from how comfy his bed was to the fact that he was shirtless for part of the night. And just let me tell you, he's kinda fine shirtless not gonna lie." After finishing my little rant, she was speechless. "He's still a fucking ass though."

"Obviously. I mean it's Ethan." Then we both laughed. She was surprisingly chill with it. "Do you wanna come over today?"

"Yess!" I excitedly replied. I walked the rest of the way home talking to Eva about whatever came to mind. I then got home and freshened up, before leaving the house again to catch a bus to Eva's house. While on the bus, I listened to The Uptowners and scrolled through aesthetic images on Pinterest. 

Once I arrived at my dear best friend's house, I texted her I was there before entering with the spare key I had and heading to her room. The floor was slightly messy, but it was cleaner than mine, not that I really cared anyway. I sat down on her bed, and we gossiped for hours, occasionally getting up and venturing to her fridge for snacks and drinks. She would sometimes squeeze into the conversation something about Ethan, but mostly didn't talk about him. We mostly just talked about actors and music and parties. It was super fun overall. 

I checked my phone, it said that it was 4:30 PM, which meant that if I wanted to make it to the bus and get home for dinner, I would have to leave now. I said my goodbyes and then left, hoping that I would not be late. 

I made it to the bus stop with 3 minutes to spare. I got on the bus and waited for my stop, while texting Kallum. We discussed heaps of shit, there wasn't really a conversation happening, just memes being sent, and an occasional discussion related to the meme. I got to my stop and walked the rest of the way home, once I got home, I went upstairs to hang out while my mother made dinner, when she called me and my brother down to eat, I said goodbye to Kallum and went to eat. The family dinner had the usual discussion over it. I then headed to bed, and pretty much passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Socialization is tiring.


Helloooo, sorry for another short filler chapter lol. I just can't think of what should happen next. Also, I may post another chapter tonight, idk. I also dyed my hair half an hour ago, it's partly blue now, for school holidays. LOVE YOURSELFFF

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