Finally about to get on that damn cruise!

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(Rei's POV btw)

(Yes, this is a time skip lol)

Finally, this term is over, and I get to go on a rich-person cruise. I can't wait, thank God my parents said yes, I love being on boats. I've probably spent more time at Ethan's house than my own this past few weeks. His family is so nice, apart from his sleazy brother, at first, I thought he was cool, but it turns out that he's a jerk and kept trying to hit on me until Ethan saw it and punched him in the face. That whole fiasco was so funny, and his mum didn't even punish him which was the great thing. I've heard a bit about his aunts, uncles, and cousins and have even met his grandma already, so I don't have to worry about them too much. We are leaving tomorrow, so I'm going back home to pack my suitcase, and am sitting on the bus with Kallum who is still talking about school even though it's over for the next two weeks. I then told him to shut the fuck up because he was messing with my cruise mentality. 

"You're going on a cruise?" He asked because I might have 'accidentally' forgotten to tell him.

"Yeah, Ethan and his family are taking me." His expression changed from shock to disgust as soon as I said his name like it was a warding spell or some shit. 

"I'm telling you, that boy is trouble, he's up to something that does not have your true intentions at heart." He warned. I rolled my eyes,

"Okay, mum." I was sick of him hating Ethan for no reason, sure, he's a bit of a dick at times, but I truly think he is nice and caring under that fuck boy composure of his.

I finally made it to my stop and said a quick goodbye to Kallum before leaving school behind and only thinking about two things: this cruise and spending it with Ethan. A few things have happened between me and him recently, but I still doubt that he likes it, he probably sees me as just a friend, if that. I texted Eva if she wanted to call and help me pick outfits for the cruise and she immediately agreed. We had fun talking about outfits, cruises, and boys. She shipped me with Ethan so hard it was embarrassing. I didn't mind that much though, because it made up for the bullshit Kallum said about him. After we had successfully picked out 6 outfits, a pair of PJs, and two swimsuits, we talked for a while until she was called for dinner and had to hang up, I was shortly called downstairs by my own family too. Since it would be my last dinner with them for a while, we had beautifully cooked duck soup on the table. My mum always made the best duck soup. After everyone had finished, I went up to my room and shoved the clothes that didn't end up getting picked for the cruise onto the floor before turning off my light and playing The Uptowner's newest album, having already memorized the lyrics due to going to almost all of their practices now. I hadn't told anyone about who they were, but holy fuck have I come close. I fell asleep quickly and rose before even the sun dared to.

It was early, but I didn't care, I was buzzing with excitement from finally going on a cruise. I have been on one before, and loved it, so I couldn't wait to go on another one. I sprung out of bed and got dressed into the outfit I had precariously hung in my closet and then practically cartwheeled down the stairs to eat breakfast. By the time I had finished eating and washing my dishes, the sun decided to take a peek at what was going on. It seemed to like what it saw because it quickly hiked the sky. I rushed into the bathroom to do some light makeup before heading to my room to place it and some other last-minute necessities in my bag and zipping it up, before saying goodbye to my family who were just starting to stir and heading out the front door, shutting it behind me. I headed down the road, having taken this path to Ethan's many times I pretty much had it down to the step. I made it to his front door at 7 AM, which was about 30 minutes earlier than I was told to arrive, but by now they've figured out that I like being early. So, I knocked, and Nicole opened the door almost immediately, I thanked her and walked inside, noticing Ethan and Dick hurriedly packing their bags with last minute thoughts. Their mother muttered something about wishing for more organized children before leaving the room to collect her own bag. 

We waited on the Brooklyn's front doorstep for the cab to arrive. When it finally did, that was it, I was officially off to a cruise for rich people with my crush, the lead singer of my favourite band. Best day ever!


Hii!! Sorry if this chapter is a bit short lol. I'm just kinda running out of ideas and wanna save writing the actual cruise days for when I get back home because I'm going on a little trip for two-ish days. Anyway, sorry for rambling on, hope you enjoyed this nothing chapter!

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