Math is hard and she's pretty.

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(Ethan's POV btw)

I was still trying to comprehend the fact that Grace had made all that shit up about Rei and that Rei was so nonchalant about it. How could she act like it was normal?... Was it? I'll ask her later. After period 2 ended, Rei asked if I wanted to study with her on one of the courtyard chairs. I agreed because I had no idea what was going on in that class and the exam was next period. So, in short, I'm fucked if Rei doesn't help me. We sat down at a picnic-type table, and she pulled out her laptop along with two books with various things highlighted in multiple colours. 

"I'm guessing you don't know what's going on in math, let alone having studies?"

"Yeah, algebra is hard, okay?" She laughed a bit at that. She was pretty when she laughed- stop thinking about her looks and focus on actually passing school. She started explaining some basic concepts and solutions, before building on them to the harder ones. She was an excellent tutor. I started to understand math, which is impressive. I consumed content like my mother's cookies and learned entire algebra concepts faster than a child learning how to use a tap. After she had taught me about two-thirds of the content, she said,

"Before I teach you this, you have to pay for it."

"What?" I was confused, why was she only asking for payment for this part?

"I want a promise to your mum's cooking soon."

"Uhh, sure." I was expecting her to ask for money, like everyone else would. My family is super fucking rich, but she asks for cooking. That's cute.

"Sweet. Now, here is the secret, always attempt every question and read it twice before answering. Make sure that you don't accidentally do subtraction instead of division for example." What stupid advice, it's not like- I have actually missed so many points due to those kinds of mistakes. Fuck. She finished the last few lesson revisions just as the bell to head to period 3 rang. I hoped that I wouldn't fail. 

I finished the test with 15 minutes remaining, taking it up to the teacher's desk before taking my seat next to Rei once again. She looked up at me and smiled before turning back to the book she was reading. It seemed super interesting. I grabbed a random writing book out of my backpack and started doodling in it. The bell to end class rang and everyone stood up, leaving for second break. I caught up to my closest friend in my class and asked if she wanted to eat together.

"I was gonna eat with Kallum, but sure." Ha, that fucker is gonna be alone while I get to sit with her. We walked out to the courtyard, talking about all kinds of things. She told me about her dad being home and how nice her afternoon was as we sat under a tree, her resting her back against the trunk, me across from her. I listened to everything she said, hanging on her every word, getting addicted to her voice like a drug. After she finished her recount of her night and morning, I looked over to where Kallum was sitting, he was with a bunch of girls, but he kept glancing over at Rei, looking almost jealous of me. Fucking score. 

"Sorry, I've been talking for a while, you're probably bored." She laughed; she honestly couldn't be further from the truth.

"No, I just got a bit distracted, please, continue talking." Her entire face lit up at my answer and preceded to go into a deep explanation of the health benefits of different cereals. I honestly didn't really care, but she seemed so excited to talk about it, so I listened.


Helloooo, hoped you enjoyed this chapter lol. I think it sounds a bit weird, but whatever. Hope you enjoyeddddd!!!!!

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