Meet a Bitch/ Start making cookies!!

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(Rei's POV btw)

It's a Tuesday and I'm already so sick of school for the week. Yesterday Ethan made a new friend, and to say I dislike her is an understatement, I loathe her with a burning fucking passion. She totally likes him, but that would be fine, I mean, it's not like he's mine yet. But she's such a fucking pick me. She's a narcissistic, hypocritic, lying bitch. And she definitely hates me back. 

They're even hanging out between classes now. Like, he's known her for a day and is hanging out with her, while I've known him for 3 years and he's never hung out with me between classes-

"What's the answer to this equation, Rei?" I looked at the board. God, I hate math.

"Uhh, 28.7?" I think? I'm absolute shit at decimals and algebra.

"Correct." The professor announced, before going back to his lecture. Thank fuck. I looked over to Ethan, he was looking at me with a slightly shocked face. 

"I thought you hated decimals."

"I do."

"And I thought you weren't paying attention to this lecture?"

"I'm not. Lucky guess I guess." I laughed quietly, he joined in. His laugh is cute- no it isn't, I'm not that down bad calm down. Jeez. I felt Grace's eyes stare at the back of my head. She must be so pissed, fucking loser. 

This afternoon, I've been invited over to the Brooklyn's house by Mrs. Brooklyn because she wanted to teach me the family cookie recipe, which felt like such an honour. Only one more break and period until I go home with Ethan, but of course I can do that I have to have a 'private conversation' with Grace. Period 3 ended, and the bitch walked up to me and asked if I could have a girls talk with her. I said sure because I was bored and felt like fishing for drama. She took me to a secluded part of the courtyard and wasted no time getting to her point.

"I don't like you hanging out with Ethan." Starting off strong I see. This'll be fun.


"Because I can tell your trying to steal him away from me."

"First off, he isn't yours, second off, if he truly liked you like you think he does, you shouldn't feel threatened by me just talking to and hanging out with him." That should get her to shut up.

"Well, he said he doesn't like hanging out with you." Is this bitch for real? We aren't fucking 13-year-olds, grow up.

"Boo-fucking-hoo, you're lying, and I don't give a shit about your stupid opinion." God, this is the exactly the reason I stopped talking to like half my grade. "Your just pissed he hasn't realized or reciprocated your feelings towards him. Go cry about it bitch." At that, she stormed off to sit with a group of girls from another class. Argument won, not that it was hard. I then went to peacefully enjoy my break with Kallum.

Last period was a breeze. We watched a YouTube video and answered some questions about it. After class finished, I followed Ethan out the school gates and to the nearby bus stop. We talked about the answers we got for the questions in period 4. Then he asked,

"I saw you and Grace having a heated conversation outside of class, what was that about?" I figured there was no harm in telling him that she's a bitch.

"She told me to stop talking to you because you're 'Her's' or whatever. I put he in her place."

"Really? I didn't think she was like that, what did you tell her?" He asked, laughing a little.

"I first told her that you aren't hers, and that if you were, then she shouldn't feel intimidated by my presence in your life, then when she persisted about you actually not liking me or whatever, I told her she was just pissy that you didn't reciprocate her feelings and to go cry about it." I laughed, he looked partly shocked, partly impressed. 

"Wait, she likes me?"

"Yes, dumbass. Is that our bus coming right now?"

"Yeah, it is, how could you tell she liked me?"

"She acted like she was interested in everything you are, she tried to have any physical contact with you that she could and was trying to remove other women she considered a threat to her chance of getting with you." The fact that he didn't see all those signs is such a surprise. How blind do you have to be?

"Oh, that makes sense." he said as we entered the bus and sat towards the back. We sat mostly in silence on the way back to his house, with occasional conversation about school.

We made it to his house, and I just had to take a few minutes to look at it, because no matter how many times I see it, I just have to take in how rich his family must be to be able to afford it. I took a few hurried steps to catch up with him, entering the mansion directly behind him. His mother welcomed us at the door.

"Welcome home you two!" She said with her usual sweet, motherly tone. It felt nice to be welcomed into this house as a home. "Come to the kitchen Rei, let's me start teaching you how to make our signature cookies!" She's so sweet.

"Of course, Mrs. Brooklyn, right after you." I saw Ethan smile at us out of the corner of my eye.

"Ah, don't bother with the formal names, just call me Nicole please."

"Oh, okay. Let's go make cookies then!" I was super excited to get to learn this recipe.

"Want me to take your bag up to my room?"

"Yes please." I handed my bag to him and he took off to the stairs as me and Nicole headed into the kitchen.


Hellooooo, I actually wasn't gonna post tonight, but I came up with these ideas and it just kinda happened lol. Hope you enjoyed this longer and slightly filler chapter, I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH

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