In my room last night

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(Nick's POV btw)

It was 1 AM and most of the people who had shown up were either making out, passed out, or getting near doing one of the two. I decided to walk up to my room and crash for the night. That's when I heard subtle snoring sounds from the other side of the door. I opened it to see Rei and Ethan in my bed, Ethan holding onto her from behind. It was honestly so cute. I wondered if they were finally dating but didn't want to wake them up to ask. So, I closed the door behind me and searched for a different place to go to sleep. I found a couch that was relatively clean and didn't have any passed-out teenagers on it. I lay down and almost immediately fell asleep. 

I woke up to most of the other kids already up and reaching around for painkillers or forgiveness from their partners. I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack and saw Rei and Ethan talking, I gave a little look to Ethan telling him 'I know' before he said that they were leaving, Rei said goodbye to me and they left through the front door, Ethan wishing me luck on the cleaning. I ushered everyone else out of the house, before connecting my phone to a speaker and playing some music to attempt to motivate myself to clean, and ended up cleaning most of the house. There would be few permanent stains at least. I chose to not tell my parents about the party and used the 'a dog got in the house' excuse. 


Hiiii!!!! I will publish another chapter tonight, don't worry. I just had a sudden urge to write a chapter like this lol, even though it's super fucking short, the purpose is (kinda) there. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHHHH!!!!!!!!

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