She tried her hardest to get me in trouble.

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(Rei's POV btw)

I sat on the bus, just mentally revising the stuff I need to know for the exam in period 3 when I felt my phone buzz, checking the notification. It was from Ethan. 

'Morning, is that math exam today?'

'Yes, it's in period 3' 

'Ok, thanks' What an idiot, not even keeping track of his exams. It's Wednesday, but I wish it was Saturday. School is so fucking boring. 

After arriving at my stop, I got off and walked through the school gates. It was only about 10 minutes until school started, so I wandered off in the general direction of my first class. That's when I heard two raised voices, one male and one female. I thought it was two people breaking up, so I stopped just around the corner to listen to what was happening. I listened in and immediately recognized who it was, Ethan and Grace. What the fuck could they possibly be arguing about?

"I just don't get why you had to talk to her!" Ethan was saying,

"Because she was trying to steal you from me!"

"Again, I'm not yours! Not to mention, she was my friend before you were. So just shut the fuck up and leave me alone." Damn, he's completely ditching her because of our argument yesterday. That's pretty sweet actually.

"I was just trying to help you! I just wanted to protect you from people like her, you're better than that." I don't think she hears herself; she literally couldn't sound more annoying.

"If she isn't 'good enough for me' then I honestly don't think anyone is, please just never talk to me." He said and promptly walked off. That was actually super nice, I don't think I've ever heard him say anything that nice. I walked out from my hiding place and past Grace, flipping her off as I passed, before turning down the corridor to my first class as the bell to start the day rang. I waved at Ethan, and he waved back. The rest of the class arrived at class within the next 5 minutes, and the teacher opened the classroom door, letting everyone inside to sit in our seats. Ethan and I sat down and started talking about how boring the class was going to be. 

About half-way through the lesson, the year co-ordinator opened the door and requested Grace, Ethan and me to come to her office with her for 'a bit of a chat'. Great, I'm fucked. I don't even know what I did- oh. Grace is smirking. She's pilled some shit out of her ass antagonising me and victimising herself. I absolutely fucking hate that bitch.

Once we made it to Mrs. Shearer's office, she requested to see each of us individually, Ethan first. Me and Grace were told to wait outside on the chairs. After they entered the office, Grace started grinning maniacally, 

"What bullshit did you make up?" I asked, wanting to know what I was going to be questioned about.

"I didn't make anything up, I just informed Mrs. Shearer that you were making Ethan stop being my friend. And that you verbally abused me." What a pussy, couldn't even make something interesting up. Whatever, this would be easy to sort out.

"Aww, Ethan doesn't like you, what a shame, he actually has standards." She looked so offended, which was a look that I thought was hilarious on her face. Then the door opened, and Ethan walked out, and Grace was called in. She stood up and walked inside the through the door with a fake sad face and crocodile tears on demand, I heard the door close, not that I was bothered by what she was saying to the teacher. I had already turned my attention to Ethan. He looked slightly distraught, 

"She made up a heap of mean things about you."

"Yeah, she's just pissed you don't like her, and decided that I was to blame or something. So, she decided to try and get something on my permanent record." He looked dumb founded, apparently guys don't emotionally manipulate people over crushes. We kind of just sat there in silence, waiting for Grace to finish her sob story. When she finally came out of the office, her cheeks were streaked with tears and her eyes were puffy.

"Mr. Brooklyn, I told you, you could head back to class."

"I know miss, but I want to wait for Rei."

"How about you go and help Grace get cleaned up?"

"No, thanks, she can do that on her own." Grace and Mrs. Shearer looked at him, stunned. I smiled at him, proud of his quick response. The year co-ordinator then ushered me into her office, letting Grace go to the bathroom to wash her face and whatever and leaving Ethan to sit outside the office. 

"So, I have been informed that you are being rude and disrespectful to your peers."

"Miss, I have not verbally abused Grace, she has been trying to remove me from Ethan's life because she has a thing for him." The teacher looked a bit offended that I had answered her questions before she could ask them.

"Well, Grace says otherwise-"

"And where is her proof?" I'm already so bored. At least Mrs. Shearer's reactions are funny. 

"I- do not use attitude with me, young lady. And she doesn't need evidence to come to me with a concern for her and her peer's safety." But I need evidence to prove her 'concern' wrong. That's a completely unflawed logic for sure. I couldn't see this discussion going anywhere, you know, with the whole 'this is all my fault'. Honestly that bitch just had to make my life difficult because she got rejected by her little crush.

"If you want 'proof' that I'm innocent and she's just making things up to make me look like the bad guy, ask anyone who sit's next to her in classes she shares with Ethan, they will all say that she likes him and hates me. You can then confirm that Ethan rejected her and that me and her argued yesterday about him. Now, can I go back to class?" I just wanted this stupid thing to be over.

"...Sure, I will get back to you about this whole thing." She said uneasily. I love freaking the absolute shit out of teachers. I stood up from the chair across from her and left the room.

I made eye contact with Ethan and discreetly nodded towards the door out to the corridor. He nodded and we left to go back to class.

"So, what did Mrs. Shearer ask you?" I was curious what information she tried to get from him.

"She asked how I was feeling, if anything seemed off with you, if you were mean to me at any point and then she asked me if I had seen you verbally abuse Grace. Which was a crazy question for her to ask."

"Yeah, I've fixed the whole problem though, Grace should be getting in trouble soon and we should be due an apology." I laughed, the entire situation feeling a bit surreal. 

"Cool, let's just go back to class and act like this didn't happen."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." So that's what we did. 


I wanted to add in some drama. It probably isn't written that well, but whatever. Hope you enjoyed!!!! LOVE YOURSELFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!

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