The morning after the assignment

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(Ethan's POV btw)

Possible trigger warning: mention of r@pe

I was having a hard time getting to sleep, you know, with my crush sleeping in my bed. She already seemed dead asleep though. She looked cute in my bed with my hoodie and short shorts on. I noticed she had an air pod in, and decided to check her phone to see what she was listening to. It was The Uptowners. She had fallen asleep to my guitar and my vocals. Oh my God. Tonight, could not get any better. I set her phone back to where it had been and grabbed my phone, deciding to text Nick about how amazing my night had been. He responded that I should get her drunk and 'see where things go'. Which is pretty much his disgustingly perverted way of saying that I should rape her while she's under the influence. God, I hate him so much. I shouldn't even be friends with him. But he makes good jokes sometimes, so I don't know. 

The next morning, I woke up not remembering falling asleep. The smell of my mum's pancakes filled the air. As I looked around my room, I saw Rei sitting up in my bed, scrolling through her phone.

"What're you doing?" I asked, still tired and groggy from just waking up.

"Scrolling through Pinterest, looking for a new lock screen." She explained, not looking up from her phone. She then turned it so that I could see the screen, "What do you think of this?" She then asked. The image on the screen was some fan art of one of my band's album covers. 

"Looks cool." I said, and it truly did. She then asked if I wanted to go downstairs and eat breakfast. I said a very enthusiastic yes before walking towards the sweet smell and making pleasant conversation with Rei. I told her all about how my friends in high school used to come over for sleep overs just to have my mum's pancakes. She thought that was funny. 

We finished our pancakes quickly, each having a second serving. She once again praised my mother's cooking skills. After the table had been cleared, she said that she should probably head home. As disappointed as I was that she had to leave, I knew that I would see her at school tomorrow.


This is just a bit of a filler chapter lol. I don't really like it, but I am planning on posting another one either tonight or tomorrow morning. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!!!

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