The park, the music, me and you

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(Rei's POV btw)

God the weekend is so boring, I have nothing to do. All my friends are busy, and I have nothing to do. This is so stupid. I'm just going to sit in my bed and play music through my Air pods. I picked this small artist that not many people know of, he sings and plays the guitar while two of his friends play drums and another guitar. They're all quite good at it for only being about my age. 

I then heard my phone ping and checked to see the notification. It was Kallum. 

'Wanna go get coffee and pastries and sit in a park near my house?'

'Sure' I was bored, and coffee and pastries sounded good, there was this really pretty park near his house that had huge trees and all kinds of flowers. I got dressed in a simple white button-up shirt, a beige pleated skirt, and a light brown cardigan. grabbed a mini backpack for my phone, wallet, and keys then told my mum I was going out with a friend before chucking on my Converse and walking to the coffee place near Kallum's house.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked as I walked towards where he was standing in front of the building. I took my Air Pods out before replying,

"Good, how about you?"

"Good, wanna go and order?"

"Sure." We stepped inside the aesthetic little coffee shop; I ordered a flat white and a Croissant au chocolat while Kallum just ordered a flat white. we got our order; he insisted on paying for me even though I protested. Then we headed for the park

It was a very pretty place; I always loved coming here and just enjoying the birds and the flowers. Everything about this place was just so tranquil and calming.

"What were you listening to while walking here?" 

"Uh, a small band called 'the uptowners', I only found them recently but they're quite good."

"I haven't heard of them before. What kind of music do they make?"

"Some mix of indie rock and modern rock, they are only our age, but they haven't revealed who they are if that makes sense?"

"Oh. cool." We continued talking for a few hours about all kinds of things, from music to school to clothes to video games until it was about 4:00 PM. That's when he had to head home and help make dinner with his dad.

"Well, see you later!" I said as he got up to leave.

"Bye, see you when I see you." I stayed for a while after he left, enjoying the bird songs and the swaying of tree branches. The solidarity was comforting. Well, it was comforting until I heard two boys yelling and laughing loudly. Holy fuck they are loud. That's when I noticed who it was. Fucking Ethan Brooklyn and his closest friend, Nicholas Nickerson, who doesn't know what it means to shut the fuck up. They were chasing each other around with Nerf guns and screaming at each other. Then Nick pointed me out to Ethan, saying something I couldn't hear before laughing, Ethan going red in the face. They then walked over,

"Hey, long time no see," Nick said. God, I forgot how annoying he was.

"Wish it had been longer, might have started to miss you." I spoke. I could honestly go centuries without missing him.

"Damn, still as harsh as ever." He said, laughing.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Ethan asked. I didn't see why he cared.

"I was hanging out with a friend, he just left though. I was about to get going as well." 

"Who were you with?" Ethan looked genuinely curious. which was surprising considering the fact that he thinks he's better than everyone else. 

"Kallum, why do you care?" He then had a brief look of disgust on his face, while Nick started laughing. "Why are you laughing? Doesn't matter, I'm going home now, bye."

"Oh, ok. Bye." Ethan said while Nick waved. I then got up, slung my bag over one shoulder and walked off. God, they are so annoying. I put my Air pods back in and clicked the resume button on the song I was listening too. I hummed along while walking home. 

I ate dinner with my family while telling them about my day with Kallum, deciding to leave my interaction with Ethan and Nick to spare my family having to listen to me rant about my hate for them. Then listened to my brother explain everything that had happened at some party he was at earlier. Then I walked up to my room and sat in bed, scrolling the internet for something interesting to do. I ended up studying and revising all my biology notes, as an attempt to get a higher mark than that self-centred brat in the next quiz. After learning basically all the terms and how all the systems worked, I realized there wouldn't be much point trying to sleep, so I scrolled social media. I checked 'The uptowners' Instagram page, to see a new post. 

@TheUptownersOfficial: Thinking of face revealing soon... Also, new EP coming out next week! Get exited!

There was also the EP cover art attached at the bottom, but omg, they were all thinking of face revealing soon! I can't wait! And a new EP too! This is all so amazing, I sent a screen shot of the post to Eva, Kallum and Ethan. Eva responded immediately, she claimed to be buzzing with excitement. She's also a fan of them. Kallum replied with a 'cool', dry ass texter. Ethan kept typing something then stopping typing then typing again. He eventually said, 'sounds fun, can't wait for you to find out who they are', I thought the wording of the text was kind of weird, but so is he, so whatever. 

I eventually fell asleep at about 3 AM, after learning what the word cornobble meant and scrolling mindlessly on Tumblr and Pinterest. Sunday was an extremely boring day, with nothing really happening, I called Eva and talked for a few hours about my hangout with Kallum yesterday, and my absolute hatred for Nick and my dislike for Ethan. In exchange, she told me about all the gossip from my old school. It sounded so much more interesting. We then said goodbye and I sat around my house without the motivation to do anything. I don't want to go to school tomorrow, but alas, it's better than sitting around at home at least.


Hellooo, I actually published during the day for once :), Hope you enjoyed this chapter lol. I didn't really have an idea on what I wanted to happen in this chapter until about halfway through, so sorry if it sounds kind of random and weird. Also, The band 'The Uptowners' isn't based on a real band, so I can't really link the music she's listening to, sorry!!! (It will all make sense why soon, I promise). LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!!!!!

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