Getting to school early/ invitation to a cruise

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(Ethan's POV btw)

I have just told my crush about my band, which she is a big fan of. She then sat on my lap and is now sleeping with me in my bed. Tonight, could not get better. We had been talking about all kinds of things until I noticed she was looking really tired. I asked her if she wanted to sleep to which she nodded and hopped into my bed, pulling me with her. So, I ended up laying on my side with an arm around her while she had her face buried in my chest. It was adorable. Everything about her and us just seemed so perfect. We eventually fell asleep to the sound of each other breathing. 

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I was worried that Rei had left throughout the night until I smelt the bacon through my now open door accompanied by my mother's laugh, I got up and headed downstairs, Rei had her eyes on the sizzling bacon cooking away on a pan while my mum was scrambling some eggs next to her. I mumbled a morning and Rei spun around, a smile beaming on her face, telling me to have a seat. I obliged and watched them work away. I would help, but the last time I tried to cook, it ended up with my mother having to put out a fire. Due to that, I'm pretty much banned from the kitchen. Rei took the bacon off the stove and started to serve it up on some plates that were out before my mum placed the scrambled eggs next to it and handed me a plate before telling Rei to take a seat next to me and handing her a plate. She then left the room and Rei sat on the bar stool next to me and started eating the breakfast she had just made while complementing my mum's cooking. I smiled at her and started eating too, it was amazing. I told her she was an amazing cook, and she gave me a blushy smile back. I headed upstairs to get changed, while Rei waited for me at the door, she must have gotten dressed before making breakfast. Just how early does she get up? 

We caught the bus to school, and I was early for school today. What a weird phenomenon. We sat down in our seats and the teacher gave me a confused look, which I blatantly ignored, instead, I focused on what Rei was telling me, something about our first term ending soon.

"So, do you have any plans for the school holidays?" She asked, while reaching over and fixing my hair, I didn't have time to fix it this morning because I was rushed out of the house.

"Yeah, my family is going on a cruise, wanna join us? I'll probably get bored without someone else my age to talk to." She looked shocked, broke bitch. "My family will pay for you, so don't worry about it." 

"I couldn't, that would be such a big ask from your family. Plus, I already come over all the time." She looked almost embarrassed now. Was a cruise that big of a deal?

"No, it's fine, I think my family would love to meet you, and my mum would love to have you to cook with." I saw a look of defeat on her face when I mentioned my mum, knowing she would give anything to cook with her. So, she begrudgingly agreed, but she would have to discuss it with her parents before anything was arranged,

"Sure, but please do come, it gets pretty boring being one of the only kids there." She laughed a little at that before the teacher snapped at us to pay attention and stop talking to each other. We snickered a little, feeling Grace's eye roll even though we couldn't see her. 


Hiiii!!!! Sorry if this chapter is a bit short, I didn't have much motivation and had gotten distracted half-way through writing it lol. Hope you enjoyed! Byee!!!!!

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