First (Half) Day on the Cruise!

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(Rei's POV btw)

We finally made it to the bay where the boats were docked. About halfway through the taxi ride, Dick decided to live up to his name and tried to reach over Ethan who was in the middle seat and put a hand on my shoulder, to which I responded by twisting his arm, Ethan laughed at it, and I heard Nicole snicker a little, needless to say, he was quiet the rest of the drive. We all got out of the car, grabbed our suitcases from the boot, and headed towards the dock. Everything here looks so expensive, it's almost like a fairy tale. I felt completely out of place to be completely honest. Ethan placed his spare hand on the small of my back and led me to a very expensive-looking boat. I felt like letting my jaw drop and thought about just how much it had probably cost but instead acted like I was right at home there. An extremely rich-looking family walked up to the four of us and the mother kissed Nicole on each cheek before hugging the two boys. Ethan introduced them as his Auntie Terry, Uncle Rick, and cousin Rex. I thought the Brooklyn's were rich but holy fuck, these people were a whole another level of money. We waited about ten minutes before another family of three showed up, looking slightly more modest than Terry and Rick, but still dressed like they only ever paid in 100's. I felt so insignificant with all these rich people around. Ethan introduced the newest people as Uncle Ted, Auntie Rose, and his cousin Georgia. As rich as they were, they were also extremely nice, greeting me as one of their own, it was quite nice.

Once everyone had gotten on the boat, Georgia pulled me to her bedroom and said that I should share her room because all the guys were dicks. I laughed and agreed before placing my suitcase down and sitting on one side of the queen-sized bed that took up most of the room.

"Why are you here anyway?" She then asked, taking a seat next to me.

"Oh, Ethan invited me, we're good friends," I replied, smiling. She nodded before adding,

"Didn't know he could make friends, especially with someone like you." She stated staring at the wall between our and Ethan and Rex's room doubtfully.

"Oh, thank you, but he's quite nice to me." She suddenly had a look of shock and glee on her face before telling me to wait here and rushed out the door to Ethan and Rex's room and started saying something quite loudly, I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying but she seemed to be excited while Ethan was a stuttering mess and before long, Rex joined in on the excited almost yelling. I smiled to myself. Soon after Georgia came back to our room and apologized for leaving so suddenly, I told her it was fine, and I didn't mind. We continued to chat for a while, and she was extremely nice. 

Then Auntie Terry called all the children upstairs for dinner right before we started the boat's engine. All of us ran upstairs to grab our plates and then stepped out on the deck to one of the two tables that were set up. One for adults and one for children. I sat between Ethan and Georgia, with Rex across the table from me, which meant that I didn't have to interact with Dick at all because he was diagonal to me. We all chatted together and had a fun time; Rex was also a very nice person. After everyone had done their plates, we took them back to the kitchen and put them next to the sink. The parents finished their plates right after us, and Uncle Rick went to the helm station to tell the captain that we were set to go. All the cousins then went out to the front, excited to feel the first sailing winds. I followed behind them, a bit worried about being cold. When we got there, the boat had just started moving out of the dock, so we made it just in time. It was a beautiful moment, but holy fuck it was cold. I was shivering; Ethan took notice of this and put one of his arms around me and pulled me into him, he was always so warm, so I welcomed the half-hug with open arms (I'm so funny, I know). I watched as we left the city behind and embraced the calm ocean. I love being on boats. 

When we were sent off to bed, Georgia suddenly said that she wanted to share a room with Rex, so I would have to move out of her room. I was slightly offended, but I immediately forgot about that when I realized that it meant sharing a bed with Ethan again. No matter how many times I share a bed with him, I think I will always get flustered about it. I moved my bag into Ethan's room and then headed to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get dressed in my PJ's before heading back to bed and chucking the nice guys hoodie and getting into the queen-sized bed. He had gotten changed while I was out of the room and hopped into bed as well, saying good night to me, I told him the same and dozed off comfortably in his arms, the faintest sounds of ocean outside the cruise ship.


Hiii!!!! I know I said that I wasn't able to post tonight, but my holiday was pushed back a day, so after this chapter, I probably won't post for about a week, sorry. 

For anyone who may be confused about the way the school works, it's based off of Australian school, so it's currently autumn, soon to be winter. If you have absolutely any questions at all, please do ask me!

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