39 | Enamoured

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The kiss is electric, awakening every cell in my body. Making me feel more alive than anything. Adam's rough hand pushes into my hair as his other arm wraps tighter around my waist, pulling me into him.

My body was flush to his, but I need more. I clasp my hands onto his shirt, holding onto him desperately.

This is the greediest I've ever felt in my life.

Opening my mouth more, I lean up into him. He immediately responds to my hunger, kissing me roughly.

My hands find their way back to the buttons of his shirt. I fumble with them for a couple seconds before giving up and just ripping the shirt open. The buttons breaking off to fly across the dark study.

Adam groans against my lips as my fingers press into his hard muscles.

His hands begin to move down my back and towards the hem of my shirt. I feel his fingers grasp the edge and I accidentally flinch at the movement. His hands freeze.

Adam pauses, pulling back and searching my eyes for consent.

"Is it okay for me to remove your top?" He asks in all seriousness. I almost want to laugh because his looks like a big puppy. His Italian accent more evident and his voice all husky.

Haha husky...


Through heavy breaths I let out a quick nod and pull him back towards me, pushing my hips deeper against his.

Using his hand to anchor my hips in place, he stops my advances. "Use your words, Selena."

"Well yeah, you've seen me without a shirt before. Do you really need to ask?" I roll my eyes at the delays.

"Yes. Yes, I do need to ask." He sighs and moves me a half-inch back from him.

I furrow my eyebrows and narrow my eyes at him. He mimics my glare.

"I already gave you my consent." I say.

"I don't give a fuck. I want your verbal consent any and every time before I touch you." He says towering over me, forcing me to look up into his darkened eyes.

"Well, I don't think think that's necessary." I whine, frustrated his mouth isn't on mine right now.

He doesn't respond and just studies my face. I glance down at his lips are plump and swollen from our kisses. It puts a proud smirk on my face for some reason, but it drops when Adam interrupts my thoughts.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Selena." He grabs my chin and holds my face up so my eyes meet his. I pout at him playfully, but he shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I want to hear you say 'Yes' every time. Ogni volta, sì?" His commanding voice makes alone makes me wet and want to listen to his every word.

"Fine, but it's still embarrassing..." I feel my cheeks heat up and I know they are tinted pink. I huff running my fingertips down the ridges of his abs. His muscles tighten under them and I notice his hips move forward a bit.

"Yes?" His grip on my chin tightening as his thumb moves gently across my bottom lip.

"Yes," I repeat like I'm in a trance from his touch.

"Brava ragazza." Adam smiles and leans to

I feel his hand move back down to the end of my shirt. "Yes," I say into his mouth allowing him lift it over my head as we break the kiss.

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