31 | Mystery

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I run away from the footsteps which are getting closer and closer. My eyes scan the hallways till I see the most familiar family seal on the side of one wall.

I follow the direction that the coat of arms leads me and run up a flight of spiral stairs. As the stairs near an end, they lead me to a door.

As I place my hand on the door knob, a thin layer of dust is wiped away. I gently turn the knob because it feels so frail.

Like it hasn't been used in years.

The room I enter isnt like Felicity's which I stumbled upon the days before my life here went bizarre. Felicity's room has this innocence to it. No doubt decorated by Rossi. Her room is like cotton candy and I am sure she loves it just that way.

The room isnt like Adams either. Adams room is masculine. But this room isnt.

It is sophisticated.

It is free.

The walls are a cream color and the bed sits in the middle is a circular canopy. The bars of the bed are a subtle and sort of antique gold that does not overly shine.

There are plants hanging from the ceiling. Dead plants.

Cobwebs cover golden horse figurines on a bookshelf and the books have golden spines as well. The spines are covered in intricate designs which look almost hand painted.

An empty fish bowl sits on the window frame.

There are cobwebs almost everywhere and wherever I place my fingers they are instantly coated with dust.

The room does not looked packed away though.

Its as if someone was just living here and then they just stopped.

But I feel drawn to the window. The way the sun shines through the curtains and is almost ethereal.

I know I probably shouldn't look around because you know moral compass and all.....

but fúck it. Its not like anyone has been here in years and the chances of someone finding me are not very likely

I open the dressers drawers and there are no clothes.

Only pictures. Black and white old photographs.

A young girl. She has dark hair and clear skin except for two dimples.

She looks so familiar and yet like a total stranger.

I grab more of the photos and hold them by the edges to not destroy the images.

There are pictures of the girl running around an small house.

The girl is holding a baby.

The girl is laughing with a little boy with dark hair.

The girl is hugging a little greyish kitten and the boy is holding a pitch black one that is almost identical.

I look at the back of the pictures and there looks like there were words written there at one point. But they are smudged and the letters or numbers are unidentifiable.

I then see the same girl and boy in the next picture. But this time they are joined with a plump baby with light hair. The hair looks almost white in the picture.

The baby looks almost as a doll but in its expression there is joy.

The next picture is one that I recognize.

A father.

A mother.

The dark haired girl with waves cascading down her shoulders.

The light haired girl with her hair in two braids.

And the dark haired boy. With the most familiar cheekbones that I have ever seen. The same cheekbones that are in the father of the picture.


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